Saturday, March 30, 2013

Quick, Tasty and Healthy Egg Muffins


Here is a great and easy way to make healthy breadless egg breakfast muffins that have become quite the hit at our place lately. Perfect to eat straight from the oven (when cooled a bit) or to make ahead of time and reheat in only a couple of minutes in a toaster oven. If you are really on the fly, they taste pretty good cold too. When warm, though, they can be downright delicious. Another bonus is that besides being much healthier than an Egg McMuffin, these muffins cost but a mere 40 cents or so each to make. You and your kids will have fun mixing and matching the ingredients to find favorite combinations as these tasty and healthy little gems very likely become favorites at your place too.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:

Relieve tooth and gum pain with home remedies

Relieve tooth and gum pain with home remedies


by JB Bardot

(The Best Years in LifeMost people hate going to the dentist. Even the for the most minor reason, dental appointments can cause a grown man, or woman, to quake with fear. Regular dental hygiene at home is a big step toward preventing dental problems; and, basic home care can be enhanced with a variety of herbal and homeopathic treatments to relieve pain and resolve minor gum and tooth problems.  Read More.

Natural Treatment of Allergies

 Natural Treatment of Allergies

(The Best Years in LifeIn the spring, many suffer from seasonal allergies aggravated by the pollen in the air. Building a strong immune system and vital force is the best defense. There are many natural treatments including constitutional homeopathy can help with that, along with good nutrition and exercise. Inheritance does play a link, as one in three people whose parents experience allergies will have allergies as well.

Over the counter antihistamines are prescribed as the usual treatment. These can cause dehydration of the mucus membranes that form the mucus associated with allergies. Antihistamines do decrease the mucus production, however they can damage the tissues as well.   Read More.

Natural Alternatives for Restless Legs Syndrome

 Natural Alternatives for Restless Legs Syndrome
by Jon Barron

(The Best Years in LifeRestless Legs Syndrome is indeed one of the hot new "conditions" being pitched in TV ads. It's even got it's own Foundation. Rest assured (no pun intended). There really are options.

What is RLS?
Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a neurological disorder characterized by unpleasant sensations in the legs and an uncontrollable urge to move them for relief. Individuals affected with the disorder describe the sensations as burning, creeping, tugging, or like insects crawling inside the legs. The sensations range in severity from uncomfortable to irritating to painful.

What Causes It?

No one really knows what causes restless leg syndrome. It does tend to run in families, however, and may appear as "growing pains" in children or as pregnancy-related "leg cramps." And it tends to get worse as people get older.  Read More.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Home Remedies and Alternative Treatments for Diabetic Foot Pain and Peripheral Neuropathy

 Home Remedies and Alternative Treatments for Diabetic Foot Pain and Peripheral Neuropathy

(The Best Years in Life) Peripheral or diabetic neuropathy affects 60-70 percent of all diabetics with stabbing, burning pain in the hands, feet and especially the toes, according to Additionally, many non-diabetics are affected with painful neuropathies of no known cause. Initially experienced as numbness, and tingling of the affected parts, neuropathies often develop into feelings of having hot or icy needles stabbing sensitive flesh. Pharmaceutical medicines may or may not help manage pain, and often produce unwanted side effects. Fortunately, there is a more natural, multi-disciplinary approach to pain management using a variety of home remedies, herbs, supplements, homeopathic remedies, and lifestyle adjustments.  Read More.

Stovetop Stuffing or Pilaf


Traditional stuffing tends to be high in refined carbohydrates (like white bread) and low in health-protective phytochemicals, the natural substances found only in plant foods. This unique stovetop stuffing, which features whole-grain rice and combines an assortment of vegetables with dried fruit, also works well as a pilaf for non-holiday meals. Fennel enlivens this dish with a hint of anise flavor as well as texture and color. Dried cranberries provide a splash of color and a rich source of cancer-fighting flavonoids.  Great for holiday meals or anytime you are cooking up a "feast", you can downsize the recipe for smaller number of diners.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:

Treating Lipedema With Natural Alternatives

 Treating Lipedema With Natural Alternatives
by Luella May

(The Best Years in Life) Lipedema, also known as painful fat syndrome, is an abnormal swelling in the lower portion of the body caused by accumulation of fat and fluid in the tissues just under the skin. This condition is caused by an uneven distribution of fat cells affecting the abdomen, hips, and legs. Thus, a person suffering from lipedema may appear to be obese, but only in the lower portions of the body. Although this condition affects the sufferer in many ways, there are steps that can be taken to control its symptoms.

Although lipedema and lymphedema are often confused, they can be differentiated by the fact that lymphedema usually affects only one limb, such as an arm or a leg, while lipedema affects only the lower portion of the body, and affects both legs at the same time. Another characteristic of lipedema is that it does not affect the feet. A ring forms at the base of the ankle where you can see the swelling stop. Lipedema often causes bruising and bleeding beneath the skin. Lymphedema does not. Lipedema often involves pain, primarily in the shin area. This is due to chronic lymph blockage resulting in storage of fluid in the connective tissue.  Read More.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Lower Your Cholesterol, Increase Your Diabetes Risk By 48%

 Lower Your Cholesterol, Increase Your Diabetes Risk By 48%

(The Best Years in Liferecent year study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, found that thecholesterol lowering drugs known as statins increase the risk of diabetes within postmenopausal women by 48%.

This finding adds to a growing body of clinical evidence that statin drugs are fundamentally diabetogenic, which is not surprising considering the National Library of Medicine contains peer-reviewed, published research on over 300 other known adverse effects associated with their use.  Read More.

Turkey Pot Pie with Cornbread Crust


With spring provoking thoughts of young tender carrots and bright baby green peas, this is the perfect time to work out an easy potpie topped with a fearless crust. This dish bridges the seasons with fresh spring vegetables and a warm, spiced sauce. Weighing in at less than 300 calories, it’s also a healthy comfort food to keep you satisfied without chocolate bunnies or cream-filled eggs. In fact, research has shown eating high-fiber plant-based foods can help you fill up with fewer calories so you can eat smarter throughout the day.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:

Hormone Imbalance – Check Your Liver

 Hormone Imbalance – Check Your Liver
by Loretta Lanphier, NP, CN, HHP, CH

(The Best Years in LifeThe liver is one of the most hard-working organs of the body and a healthy liver is critical to many aspects of overall wellness. Most people are aware that the liver is the main filter of the body. It is true that it plays an important role in processing nutrients and eliminating waste from the body, but did you know that this amazing organ also is a key player in the process of hormone regulation throughout the body?

Hormones are substances that are normally associated with the endocrine system, and these chemical compounds are involved in literally every metabolic process in the body both on the cellular and body tissue levels. In fact, life itself could not be possible without the presence of hormones.  Read More.

Yesterday's Interview with Ann Fonfa (Annie Appleseed)

 Fantastic, outstanding, and an excellent interview with Ann Fonfa, Founder of The Annie Appleseed Project.  If you missed the show yesterday, it's worth a listen to:

Be sure to visit our website today - it's never too late to begin living longer, healthier and happier lives!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

You've Heard About the Wonders of Colloidal Silver - But How About Colloidal Gold?

 You've Heard About the Wonders of Colloidal Silver - But How About Colloidal Gold?
by Tony Isaacs

(The Best Years in Life) You've probably heard about the wonders of colloidal silver - but how about its precious metal sister colloidal gold? Colloidal gold, which is tasteless and non-toxic, has some amazing benefits of its own for a wide variety of health applications and a long history of use – often in combination with its colloidal sister silver.  Read More.

Paleo Granola Bars


Aren’t snacks on-the-go great? Especially if they are healthy, nutritious and incredibly delicious ones like this recipe!! Prepare these in advance and have a quick nutritious treat ready to go for when you are in a hurry. Plus, these won't spill, won't smell, won't be weird to pull out while in meetings, and will "hit the spot" perfectly.  You can also share these with friends and enjoy a delicious and crunchy treat together.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:

Licorice Treats Peptic Ulcers and Helicobacter pylori Infection

 Licorice Treats Peptic Ulcers and Helicobacter pylori Infection

(The Best Years in Life) Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) is a natural treatment for ulcers and has been used with great success to treat gastric and duodenal ulcers. Licorice treats the cause of the ulcers and promotes healing of the digestive tissues. Peptic ulcers are created by sores in the lining of the stomach or intestines, which need the enzyme pepsin in order to form. One in every ten American has ulcers, mostly in the small intestines. Ulcer symptoms can alternate every few days, and occur a few hours after eating. They are often relieved by food.

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria are know to cause most peptic ulcers. Twenty percent of adults over the ages of 40 and half of those over 60 are thought to be infected with this bacteria. A simple blood test can detect presence of this H. pylori. A breath test, called a urea breath test, can be used after treatment to ascertain results.   Read More.

Natural Remedies for Scalp Psoriasis

 Natural Remedies for Scalp Psoriasis

(The Best Years in Life) Living with psoriasis can be embarrassing and uncomfortable, and even more so when it’s on your scalp. Psoriasis is a skin condition that produces scaly, raised, reddish patches that sometime cover the entire scalp and may extend beyond the hairline down the neck, onto the forehead and the ears. The cause is unknown; however, it’s believed to arise from a weakness in the immune system causing skin cells to proliferate too quickly.

Psoriasis commonly occurs on any skin surface on the body. It can be mild with barely noticeable, itchy patches or severe with thick, crusty lesions and intense itching leading to infections from scratching. Intense itching and scratching of the scalp can accompany temporary hair loss. Hair generally grows back after the lesions are cleared.

Various natural supplements, alternative medicines, shampoos and dietary measures can help to reduce symptoms and alleviate the underlying problem.   Read More.

Your Brain on Gluten: It’s Not a Pretty Picture – Part 1

 Your Brain on Gluten: It’s Not a Pretty Picture – Part 1
by Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS. DC, CCN, DACBN

(The Best Years in Life) I first got seriously interested in the devastating effects of gluten on brain and behaviour almost a decade ago after listening to a recording of a talk by Dr. Thomas O’Bryan at a meeting of the International and American Association of Certified Clinical Nutritionists (IAACN).

Before that, I was aware of the dangers of wheat and had taken myself and many patients off it with great results. Later, I developed a resource pack to help those wanting to free themselves:
Originally, many wheat-free enthusiasts still ate gluten in the form of kamut and spelt, including me. I would sprout kamut and make a delicious raw, dehydrated bread or pizza crust from it.

I didn’t notice negative effects unless I ate too much, but I did notice that once I started eating it, I craved more beyond satisfaction of my hunger.   Read More.

Body Care Starts in the Liver

 Body Care Starts in the Liver

(The Best Years in Life) We have been taught to be a nation of consumers -- use it up, throw it out, and get another one! Many of us seem to think there is no need to take care of anything, even our bodies, because everything can be replaced. When our joints are stiff and inflamed we can buy new ones made of plastic and metal. We can even buy a new liver when the old one is destroyed. But is this really the best way to live? Maybe people end up with new body parts because they never learned how to care for their old ones. Maybe if we learn how to care for our original body parts, we won’t have to put new ones on our credit cards.  Read More.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Spring Stir Fry with Chicken


A stir-fry is a quick and healthy way to cook delicious, plant-based meals. The moderately high heat allows for speedy cooking so vegetables become tender crisp, maintain their fresh flavors and have minimal nutrient loss. A little peanut oil offers healthy fat with a high smoke point so it won't burn and smoke at higher temperatures. Spicy ginger, garlic and onions add flavor and cancer-protective phytochemicals. Serving it over brown rice makes it a complete fiber-rich meal to bridge the seasons.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:

Friday, March 22, 2013

Grilled Corn, Avocado and Tomato Salad with Honey Lime Dressing


Use this on falafel or a salad. Add fresh or dried herbs and it becomes goddess dressing. The toasted sesame oil imparts a stronger sesame flavor to the dressing.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Best Cancer Fighting and Immune Boosting Food Choices for Beating and Avoiding Cancer

The Best Cancer Fighting and Immune Boosting Food Choices for Beating and Avoiding Cancer
by Tony Isaacs

(The Best Years in LifeThe right food choices can greatly increase the odds of beating cancer and nature offers a multitude of foods which have great cancer fighting and immune boosting properties. Here are some of the very best cancer fighting and immune boosting food superstars:  Read More.

Yesterday's Interview with the Founders of SANEVAX on The Best Years in Life Radio

 This is one interview that all parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles......... well everyone needs to listen to.  The Gardasil Vaccine is ruining the lives of our young girls, and now boys.  Please listen to this most informative interview.

Be sure to visit our website today - it's never too late to begin living longer, healthier and happier lives!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Miracle of Fasting - Natural Hygiene Part 2

 The Miracle of Fasting - Natural Hygiene Part 2
by Chris Beckett

(The Best Years in Life) Fasting is Nature's very own method for healing. Historical records tell us that fasting has been used as a system for health recovery for thousands of years; even Hippocrates (the Father of Modern Medicine), Socrates, and Plato all recommended fasting for health recovery.

For most of human history, fasting has been practiced for therapeutic-healing and spiritual enlightenment, and our current understanding of human physiology has confirmed the powerful healing effects of this ancient remedy par excellence.

Fasting is such a powerful and therapeutic process it can help almost anyone recover from very mild to very severe and even life-threatening health conditions. Some of the most common ones are high blood pressure, asthma, allergies, chronic headaches, inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease), irritable bowel syndrome, adult onset diabetes, heart disease, degenerative arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, eczema, acne, uterine fibroids, benign tumors, and systemic lupus erythematosus, and in my own case Leukemia.  Read More.

Tahini-Lemon Dressing

Use this on falafel or a salad. Add fresh or dried herbs and it becomes goddess dressing. The toasted sesame oil imparts a stronger sesame flavor to the dressing.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Beetroot Salad with Mandarin Sauce

This wonderfully healthy, colorful and delicious salad recipe comes to us courtesy of Barry Anderson aka Chef Barry Gourmet & Raw and the photo and ingredients come from the Garden Villa Phuket Thailand. With quotes throughout by Chef Barry.
To see the complete recipe write-up with plentiful health and nutrition notes from Chef Barry, see:

“Most chefs know that to make the recipe taste great its all in the sauce. The sauce is everything to make or break the recipe so special attention to taste and to the mix has to be carefully orchestrated.”

'It is always a good idea to taste and make adjustments when creating a recipe then transfer your mental notes to paper and not the other way around. This is how I work."

For more healthy and delicious recipes, to go:

The Calcium Supplement Problem: As Serious As A Heart Attack

 The Calcium Supplement Problem: As Serious As A Heart Attack

(The Best Years in LifeOsteoporosis is not caused by a lack of limestone, oyster shell or bone meal.Heart attack, however, may be caused by supplementation with these exact same "elemental" forms of calcium, according to two meta-analyses published last year in the British Medical Journal.

Back in July of 2011, the British Medical Journal published the results of a high-powered meta-analysiswhich looked at whether or not calcium supplementation had any effect on cardiovascular disease risk. Indeed, this groundbreaking report, which was based on the results of five clinical trials conducted in the US, Britain and New Zealand, involving over 8,000 people, showed that taking elemental calcium supplements of 500 mg or more increased the relative risk of heart attack by 27%.

Though the study made international headlines at the time, critics soon took issue with the fact that it involved calcium supplementation without co-administered vitamin D. However, in April of that same year,another meta-analysis published in the same journal showed that even with co-administered D elemental calcium increased the risk of heart attack by 24%, and in addition, the composite of heart attack and stroke by 15% -- in essence, putting those doubts to rest.  Read More.

Eliminate and Avoid Mosquitoes Naturally Without Dangerous Pesticides and Commercial Repellents

 Eliminate and Avoid Mosquitoes Naturally Without Dangerous Pesticides and Commercial Repellents
by Tony Isaacs

(The Best Years in Life) Spring, summer and fall are all prime times for mosquitoes and recent years have seen banner crops of the annoying and potentially dangerous disease-carrying, blood-sucking pests. The good news is that mosquitoes can be eliminated and avoided naturally without resorting to dangerous pesticides.

Here are some of the best tips for getting rid of and avoiding mosquitoes:  Read More.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Why Breast Fed Babies are Smarter

 Why Breast Fed Babies are Smarter

(The Best Years in LifeWe all want to make sure our children reach their full potential and be the people they were meant to be. This is why it's important to know that brain development of babies and children is highly influenced by nutritional intake. Children who are fed inadequate amounts of a key nutrient will have inadequate brain growth and development, resulting in lower IQ's, reduced language development, and slower fine motor development. These are the findings of an extraordinary longitudinal study conducted by a research team led by Professor Jake Najman at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia.

The human brain is primarily composed of fat, 60% by dry weight, and the right fats are critical to the development of a healthy brain. Professor Najman's research team was particularly interested in the importance of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), an omega-3 long chain fatty acid. DHA comprises 25 to 35% of the brain's fatty material, and 50 to 60% of the fatty material in the retina of the eye where it is needed for visual acuity.  Read More.

Detox and Chelate Heavy Metals, Drugs, GMOs, Chemtrails with Fruit Pectin

Detox and Chelate Heavy Metals, Drugs, GMOs, Chemtrails with Fruit Pectin
by JB Bardot

(The Best Years in LifeFruit pectin is effective for removing contaminants from the body such as heavy metals and unwanted drug and chemical residue. When these substances deposit in the body's cells, they contribute to a variety of serious diseases. Detoxifying the body from heavy metals and contaminants optimizes health and allows the body to repair itself. Using fruit pectin for home detox programs can be successful as long as people follow some common sense precautions regarding dosage.

When preparing to use pectin there are a few guidelines and tips to make it easier.  Read More.

DIY Home Remedies for Shingles - Relieve the Agony, Soothe the Itching

 DIY Home Remedies for Shingles - Relieve the Agony, Soothe the Itching

(The Best Years in LifeWhile the agony of shingles will not kill you, the disease can make you want to die from pain and itching. An infectious disease that often effects the elderly, the shingles virus usually enters the body when you contract chicken pox; however a chicken pox or shingles vaccine can also trigger a shingles outbreak. It causes a contagious rash predominantly on one side of the upper body that lasts for several weeks. Home remedies provide relief from shingles and combine well with homeopathic treatment to eliminate the disease.   Read More.

The many health benefits of bentonite clay


The many health benefits of bentonite clay

by Luella May

(The Best Years in Life) Bentonite clay is one of the most versatile and inexpensive natural treatments available. It provides a world of health benefits and is heralded for its safe and effective cleansing properties.

Bentonite clay is composed of aged volcanic ash found in different parts of the world and has been used in treating medical conditions since earliest recorded history. The largest and most popular deposit is found near Fort Benton, Wyoming - hence the name bentonite clay.

Some of the many health benefits bentonite clay are:  Read More.

Taking Time to Smell the Roses Really CAN Ease Stress

 Taking Time to Smell the Roses Really CAN Ease Stress
by Tony Isaacs

(The Best Years in Life) Feeling stressed? Stop and smell the roses. Or perhaps get a good whiff of lavender, lemon, mango, mint, coriander or other fragrant plants.

We've all heard the old adage that we should take breaks and "stop and smell the roses" to relieve stress. Now, scientists in Japan have reported the first scientific evidence that inhaling certain fragrances does indeed alter gene activity and blood chemistry in ways that can reduce stress levels.  Read More.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Avoiding Toxins and Removing Them from Your Body

Avoiding Toxins and Removing Them from Your Body

by Luella May

(The Best Years in Life) Today’s society is filled with a myriad of modern conveniences. A simple visit to a department store or supermarket fills our every need. It is a no-fuss world with everything packaged neatly, ready for use. Even the foods we eat are prepackaged, necessitating only insertion in a microwave and, voila! we have a ready made meal. Unbeknownst to many, however, these wonderful modern conveniences come with a price: they often contain toxic ingredients which can seriously compromise our health.
In today’s world, it is almost impossible not to come into contact with toxins. We normally associate toxins with industrial chemicals, pesticides and the like. Yet, toxins can be found in the everyday products that we depend upon. For example, food, personal care products, clothing, furniture, and cookware are just some of the items used daily that contain toxins. A visit to the doctor or dentist can be another source of toxicity. Just a few examples of how toxins enter our bodies at a physician’s office are vaccines, prescription medicines, and amalgam fillings. A report compiled by the CDC in 2009 stated that there are at least 212 toxins lodged in human tissues and circulating throughout our systems, many of which are carcinogens.

The body responds to toxicity in various ways, which include:  Read More.

Dramatic Increase in Neurological Diseases Makes Aluminum Detoxing Imperative

Dramatic Increase in Neurological Diseases Makes Aluminum Detoxing Imperative
by Paul Fassa

(The Best Years in Life) There has been a dramatic increase in neurological diseases linked to aluminum toxicity. The blood brain barrier doesn't stop aluminum's intrusion into our gray matter. Aluminum accumulates and remains in tissue that doesn't have a rapid cellular turnover. 
The slow turnover tissues are in bone matter, the heart and the brain. The brain and its associated nervous system is where diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, MS, chronic fatigue and other neurological or auto-immune diseases manifest, including the full autistic spectrum, from learning disorders to full blown autism.   Read More.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency and Use of Metformin Can Trigger Peripheral Neuropathy

 Vitamin B12 Deficiency and Use of Metformin Can Trigger Peripheral Neuropathy

(The Best Years in LifeVitamin B12 is an important nutrient used in the nerves and the blood. But because it is difficult to absorb, many people have B12 deficiencies and are not aware of its effect on their health. B12 is not prevalent in the diet and most people need additional supplementation. The only sources of vitamin B12 are in animal and dairy products. For the over seven million vegetarians, adding B12 to their diet is a necessity.

Metformin, a popular drug given to treat diabetes and insulin resistance, can also cause a B12 deficiency. A recent survey found that 40% of metformin users were deficient in vitamin B12. Three-quarters of those metformin users also displayed the peripheral neuropathy typically found in diabetics. These findings were reported at the American Diabetes Association’s 69th Annual Scientific Sessions in June, 2009. This prompted a recommendation that anyone using metformin who has periferal neuropathy be screened for vitamin B12 deficiency.

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble nutrient. One of its most important functions is to build the red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body. Another function is in the nerves, where B12 assists in the firing of nerves, sending important messages from the brain to the body.  Read More.

Our Disappearing Minerals and Their Vital Health Role

 Our Disappearing Minerals and Their Vital Health Role
by Tony Isaacs

"You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency." - Dr. Linus Pauling, two-time Nobel Prize winner

(The Best Years in LifeDating back to the beginning of last century mineral depletion in our soils, and thus in the food we eat, has been horrendous - and it has gotten much worse in recent decades, as we strip the top eight feet of soil throughout the world of the vital major minerals and up to 80 trace minerals that man has adapted to for thousands of years and which are needed for optimum health.

The way nature works in a more or less "natural" state is that tree roots go deep in the soil and bring up vital minerals that are replaced as the trees die and decompose.  In addition, animals that eat and contain the minerals themselves die and decompose and are returned to the soil.  Similarly, animal and human waste matter is returned to the soil.

In modern times, we have disrupted the natural cycle of mineral replenishment by clear-cutting the forests and trees to make crop land, removing most of the waste and dead animals, and we have over-farmed virtually all of our soil without allowing time for micro-organisms to convert the remaining minerals into usable forms for plants.  Thanks to the advent of petro-chemical fertilizers in 1908, we have mostly returned to the soil only petroleum derived nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus - which produce lush growth but nutrient-poor plants.  Read More.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Addressing Endometriosis Naturally

 Addressing Endometriosis Naturally
by Luella May

(The Best Years in Life) Endometriosis is a condition where the tissue lining of the uterus spreads to other parts of the body. Symptoms of endometriosis are not always apparent and can go undetected for long periods of time. When symptoms do present themselves it is in the form of pain, scarring, menstrual problems, and difficulty conceiving. While conventional treatment includes surgery and the use of hormone substitution drugs, there are effective natural alternatives for endometriosis which include diet, herbs, supplements, and the use of bioidentical hormones.

With endometriosis, the lining of the uterus that should have been eliminated during menstruation can attach to varied body parts. It can entwine around the ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder and intestines, and in some cases can travel to distant areas such as the lungs.  Read More.

Natural Remedies for Insect Bites and Stings

 Natural Remedies for Insect Bites and Stings
by Tony Isaacs

First, however, a bit of caution is in order: make sure that the person bitten/stung does not have abnormal swelling or otherwise show signs of a serious allergic reaction. If they do, call 911 - because some people can die from bites or stings if they are not treated immediately.