Thursday, November 27, 2014

Cranberry Roasted Cornish Hens

Cranberry Roasted Cornish Hens

Here is a healthy and tasty meal which make a great holiday or anytime main course. As written below, the recipe will serve 4 (or two really hungry people if side dishes are minimized). However, it can easily be scaled up to serve additional guests when needed.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:



100% Organic MicroComplexed™ IntraCELL™ Level IV Technology ~ 415 Nutrients All-In-One, Perfect Whole Foods & Phyto Nutrition ~ Super Energizing ~ All Natural DefenseThe Most Scientifically Advanced, Clinically Proven, Health Promoting Organic Nutritional Supplement Available Today!

New study finds water fluoridation calcifies arteries

New study finds water fluoridation calcifies arteries

by Ethan Huff

(Health Secrets) A new study from Spain has found a reason for the skyrocketing numbers of cardiovascular disease we have encountered in the last fifty years. Their research shows that fluoride demonstrates cardiotoxic effects that include the calcification and hardening of arteries. Today’s fluoride is industrial waste that has been dumped into the water supplies of most major cities under the guise of keeping teeth free of decay. Read More.

Combat wrinkles by eating chocolate

Combat wrinkles by eating chocolate

by Caroline Petvin

(Health Secrets) The good news for chocolate lovers the world over is that Swiss based Barry Callebaut, the world’s largest chocolate manufacturer, has brought out a new range of chocolate that claims to combat wrinkles, smooth the skin and slow the aging process. The new chocolate is known as Acticoa, and it contains antioxidants that are said to improve skin radiance by increasing elasticity and improving hydration. The chocolatiers claim that just 20g a day of Acticoa could have a dramatic effect on skin condition. Read More.

Is Sugar to Blame For Diabetes?

Is Sugar to Blame For Diabetes?

by Dr. Michael Harbison

(Health Secrets) Sugar itself is not the cause of diabetes, but too much processed sugar undoubtedly is. Of course Type one diabetes, the form of diabetes that some people are born with and requires insulin from an outside source, is not caused by processed sugar. On the other hand Type two diabetes, the type so prevalent today, is a likely result when children or adults suffer from metabolic syndrome that includes weight gain. In this form of diabetes, processed sugar is the central player. Too many years of repeatedly taxing your pancreas to release insulin for balancing your soaring blood sugar levels can cause it to wear out and not function as it should. Here’s how it works. Read More.

Orange juice from the store is not what you think

Orange juice from the store is not what you think

by Barbara Minton

(Health Secrets) Cold sweet and flavorful orange juice is a breakfast favorite in 70 percent of American households. Most people choose 100 percent orange juice for its special taste and the health benefits implied in its ads. But no matter what the advertisements try to make you believe, orange juice bought from the grocery store does not live up to its image.Read More.

When it comes to cancer, family concern can be lethal

When it comes to cancer, family concern can be lethal

by Tony Isaacs

(Health Secrets) For many generations now we, our families and our doctors have been taught to forget mankind’s 6000 year history of preventing and treating illness naturally, and to believe that the only real medicine comes in a small brown bottle from the drug store and the treatments of mainstream germ theory doctors. Read More.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Stop showering and boost your immune defense

Stop showering and boost your immune defense

by Jaime A. Heidel

(Health Secrets) Want to avoid being stuck in bed with a horrible cold, flu or even Ebola? Stop showering and boost your immune defense! Okay, don’t stop showering altogether but make it a point to skip a couple of showers each week. Your immune system will thank you. Read More.

The fabulous world of sweet potatoes and two great recipes

The fabulous world of sweet potatoes and two great recipes

by Tony Isaacs

(Health Secrets) Sweet potatoes are some of the healthiest food on the planet. The benefits from eating them include weight management and cancer fighting abilities, far exceeding those of ordinary white and yellow fleshed potatoes. Sweet potatoes are great sources of vitamin A and also contain vitamin B6, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium. They have plenty of dietary fiber too. Read More.

Why the rehab exercises?

Why the rehab exercises?

by Dr. Michael Harbison

(Health Secrets) It is very common in chiropractic offices to hear, “Oh Doc just pop me. I don’t need all of those rehab exercises.” This is frustrating, as a key part of getting the patient better is strengthening the spine to make it more stable. If done correctly this makes a big difference in recovery and how well the patient responds to care. Read More.

Natural heart health from the experts

Natural heart health from the experts

by Paul Fassa

(Health Secrets) Worried about your heart? There are three inexpensive and natural additions you can make to your diet that can go a long way toward supporting optimal heart health: Read More.

Creamy Polenta with Mushrooms

Creamy Polenta with Mushrooms

A delicious and filling variation on a basic polenta recipe*, this recipe pairs Madeira wine-enhanced wild mushrooms with a blue-cheese and Parmesan-spiked polenta.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

The Krill Miracle™

The Krill Miracle™

Concentrated Omega 3, 6 & 9, Many Times More Powerful than Fish Oil

Saturday, November 22, 2014

An Incident that Further Exposes the Vaccination Herd Immunity Hoax

An Incident that Further Exposes the Vaccination Herd Immunity Hoax

by Paul Fassa

(The Best Years in LifeDr. Paul Offit, the arrogant pediatrician, author, and roto-virus vaccine inventor millionaire and CDC vaccine schedule committee insider, once proclaimed babies could handle 10,000 vaccinations but later amended that to 1,000 inoculations to reassure your submitting babies to the full CDC vaccination schedule. His latest campaign is to overturn any and all state exemptions allow people to refuse them. Read More.



100% Organic MicroComplexed™ IntraCELL™ Level IV Technology ~ 415 Nutrients All-In-One, Perfect Whole Foods & Phyto Nutrition ~ Super Energizing ~ All Natural DefenseThe Most Scientifically Advanced, Clinically Proven, Health Promoting Organic Nutritional Supplement Available Today!

Secret documents prove vaccines cause autism

Secret documents prove vaccines cause autism

by Ethan Huff

(Health Secrets) Do vaccines cause autism? Secret documents locked away for more than 20 years have now revealed that the MMR vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella in fact does cause autism. Regulators, drug executives and various others have kept the knowledge of this to themselves for many years, while the public debate over the cause of autism has raged. Read More.

Herbed oil is a gift from the heart

Herbed oil is a gift from the heart

by Crescence Allen

(Health Secrets) Herbed oil makes a terrific holiday gift. Almost everyone likes gifts from the heart, and it’s even better if those gifts are homemade. It is fun and a challenge to make gifts that represent the person to whom you are giving the gift. Putting together herbal oil gifts for your friends can be very enjoyable and a learning experience for yourself too.Read More.

Friday, November 21, 2014

How to choose a whole food powder that’s right for you

How to choose a whole food powder that’s right for you

by Barbara Minton

(Health Secrets) If you could buy only one supplement, which would it be? You might choose Vitamin C to keep your immune system strong, or green tea extract to dodge cancer. Something to slow aging or help with fat burning would be good too. It would be a tough choice, but luckily one that doesn’t have to be made, because many supplement makers are now producing whole food powders that contain a wealth of nutrients in one single scoop. Read More.

Salted Chocolate Caramel Superfood Smoothie

Salted Chocolate Caramel Superfood Smoothie

This super healthy and delicious smoothie recipe combines your favorite super food powder with the contrasting flavors of sea salt and caramel. It is infused with chunks of chocolate and is a joy to the taste buds as well as a boost to your health.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

Stuffed Swiss Chard

Stuffed Swiss Chard

The sushi-like rolls of our Stuffed Swiss Chard are filled with rice and grated vegetables and sprinkled with sesame-soy sauce. Quick tip: Using a mini chopper or food processor cuts prep time for this dish in half.

For more healthy and delicious recipes, please visit:

The Krill Miracle™

The Krill Miracle™

Concentrated Omega 3, 6 & 9, Many Times More Powerful than Fish Oil

Exercises for Strong Feet and Ankles

Exercises for Strong Feet and Ankles

(The Best Years in LifeEveryone knows that a structure built on a weak foundation is not sturdy, but most people don't realize this principle applies to the human body. Weak feet and ankles create instability, leading to poor posture and slow movements. Performing exercises to make your feet stronger and more flexible will enhance sports performance, improve balance, increase range of motion, and reduce risk of injury. Read More.


100% Organic MicroComplexed™ IntraCELL™ Level IV Technology ~ 415 Nutrients All-In-One, Perfect Whole Foods & Phyto Nutrition ~ Super Energizing ~ All Natural DefenseThe Most Scientifically Advanced, Clinically Proven, Health Promoting Organic Nutritional Supplement Available Today!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Last Night's Podcast - Marlene Ivette, Tonya Whitlock, and Matthew Sprunt

Last Night's Podcast - Marlene Ivette, Tonya Whitlock, and Matthew Sprunt

Enlightening and informative show last night. Holistic Practitioner Marlene Ivette, Natural Health and Wellness Advocate Tonya Whitlock, and Naturopathic Physician Assistant Matthew Sprunt talked about Zyto Scans and their effectiveness in finding the source of disease.

During the first half hour Tony talked about the Fifth Horseman of the Modern Health Apocalypse.

And during the second half hour Luella began her series on the effectiveness of Muscle Testing.

We will be taking a break for the Thanksgiving Holidays so our next show will be in two weeks. We wish everyone a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving.

If you missed last night's show, the podcast is below:

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Today's Guests - Marlene Ivette, Tonya Whitlock, and Matthew Sprunt

Today's Guests - Marlene Ivette, Tonya Whitlock, and Matthew Sprunt

A special show today. We will be joined by Holistic Practitioner Marlene Ivette, Natural Health and Wellness Advocate Tonya Whitlock, and Physician Assistant Matthew Sprunt. We will be talking about an amazing technology called Zytoscans. Zytoscans can pinpoint specific health issues and can transform your life. Tune in for this very informative interview.

During the first half hour Tony will go over additions to our website and will talk about the Fifth Horseman of the Modern Health Apocalypse.

And Luella will begin a two part series on the importance of muscle testing.

Show begins at 6:00 pm Central Time. Check your time zones.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Apple-Pecan Cornbread Stuffing

Apple-Pecan Cornbread Stuffing

Here is a new twist on a holiday favorite that you simply have to try! It calls for adding tasty and healthy ingredients such as apples and pecans to traditional cornbread stuffing and results in a taste that will have dinner guests asking for seconds. If you like a bit of poultry flavor in your stuffing like we do, choose the optional poultry seasoning. Plus, if you can make the recipe gluten-free if you opt for gluten-free dry bread stuffing mix (widely available online at Amazon and other outlets).

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

The Krill Miracle™

The Krill Miracle™

Concentrated Omega 3, 6 & 9, Many Times More Powerful than Fish Oil

Monday, November 17, 2014

Do You Have Enough Thyroid Hormone for Optimal Health

Do You Have Enough Thyroid Hormone for Optimal Health

Part 1 of 3

(The Best Years in LifeMost patients taking supplemental thyroid hormone are not getting a dose high enough to reach optimal function and resist disease. This is the latest finding from Dr. Kathy Maupin, a pioneer in anti-aging medicine and medical director of BioBalance Health, and it underscores the critical importance of the thyroid to health. The reason is that the dosage prescribed is most often decided by arbitrary laboratory values that capture only a single moment in time and are not reflective of the true state of the patient. Instead of making judgments based on narrowly representative lab results, Dr. Maupin says, the dose should be decided by the resolution of symptoms. What a novel idea! Read More.

Thytrophin PMG

Organic whole food blend of plant and animal nutrients designed to rebuild and support healthy thyroid function. Taken with iodine, balances thyroid hormone production, aids in correction of energy use and regulation, regulates growth and rate of many body function.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Turmeric: The Return of The Golden Goddess

Turmeric: The Return of The Golden Goddess

(The Best Years in LifeAncient Indians understood turmeric to be the physical essence of the Divine Mother. Modern science now confirms that it has therapeutic properties relevant to well over 500 health conditions, and may bestow on those who take it, protection from many common causes of suffering.

. . . One of the novel findings that emerged in the author's comprehensive review of turmeric is that it expresses over 150 distinct beneficial actions, describable in terms of traditional pharmacological pathways, e.g. interleukin-6 down-regulator, apoptotic, cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor, etc. During the indexing process the image emerged of a many-armed Goddess, due to how diverse, intelligent and simultaneous are this spice's healing gifts. Read More.

Green Beans à L'Orange

Green Beans à L'Orange

Green beans are used in many healthy year round favorite side dishes and are especially popular during holiday meals. In this recipe we incorporate ingredients such as shallots, white wine, white wine vinegar, orange zest and orange juice for a delicious dish that is sure to please.

The Krill Miracle™

The Krill Miracle™

Concentrated Omega 3, 6 & 9, Many Times More Powerful than Fish Oil

Friday, November 14, 2014

Why We are Living Longer and Yet Ever Sicker Lives

Why We are Living Longer and Yet Ever Sicker Lives

by Tony Isaacs

(The Best Years in Life) Mainstream medicine advocates and apologists are quick to tout how much average life expectancy has increased over the past several decades and quick to give mainstream medicine much of the credit. However, what those same mainstream medicine proponents have a hard time explaining is why, despite the increasing use of mainstream medicines, we are also seeing an increase in chronic illness across all age groups. Here is the simple answer: Read More.

Heal and Soothe Stomach Ulcers without Mainstream Drugs

Heal and Soothe Stomach Ulcers without Mainstream Drugs
by Tony Isaacs

(The Best Years in Life) Stomach ulcers are small holes or sores in the gastrointestinal tract which affect millions of Americans every year. The most common major symptom of an ulcer is a burning or gnawing feeling in the stomach area that lasts from half an hour up to three hours. Usually, the pain occurs in the upper abdomen, but may sometimes occur below the breastbone. Fortunately, there are several natural remedies which can heal and soothe stomach ulcers without the risk of mainstream drugs. Read More.