Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Supplement Spotlight: Soothing, Healing, Silver Aloe Gel

Supplement Spotlight:

MORE POWERFUL & IMPROVED! All-Natural soothing Silver Aloe Gel 2 oz or 4 oz made with Colloidal Silver and 15X Organic Aloe Vera Concentrate with Texas Juniper Essential Oil. This new and advanced product provides the germ killing power of Colloidal Silver, the healing properties of Organic Aloe Vera, and the antibacterial properties of Texas Juniper Oil and Orange Oil.

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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

How I Healed My Inguinal Hernias Without Surgery

How I Healed My Inguinal Hernias Without Surgery

by Tony Isaacs
author of 
Cancer's Natural Enemy

(The Best Years in Life) Several years ago I was diagnosed with double inguinal hernias (which is where the intestines begin to emerge from the weakened hole from whence the testicles descended down through the scrotum before birth. One was a lump about the size of a golf ball and the other one, though diagnosed by the perhaps surgery-happy doctor, had not appeared nor manifested any pain or discomfort. The doc wanted to operate right away, but I declined did some research and ended up curing both hernias without surgery. Here is what I did: Read More.

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Monday, February 26, 2018

My Advice for Beating Breast Cancer Naturally

My Advice for Beating Breast Cancer Naturally

by Tony Isaacs
author of 
Cancer's Natural Enemy

(The Best Years in LifeRecently, a woman made a post at CureZone seeking help in combating her breast cancer. She had wisely opted to go the alternative/natural route and was in fact doing some very good things. However, she was having problems which likely were related to a Herxheimer type effect and her body and liver being overwhelmed with toxins that were being released from the cancer cells. Here is her post, followed by my answer: Read More.

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Friday, February 23, 2018

Avocado, Coconut & Sweet Potato Brownies

Avocado, Coconut & Sweet Potato BrowniesNo Wheat, No Sugar, No Dairy, Delicious!

(The Best Years in Life) Traditional brownies usually contain inflammatory ingredients including flour, processed sugar, and pasteurized hormone filled dairy. Brownies also spike your blood sugar which then spikes your cortisol(stress hormone) and insulin (fat storage) causing imbalanced hormones, weight gain, and mood issues. These brownies are full of healthy fats, fiber, and antioxidants. They contain the perfect fudgy texture that will leave even the pickiest of eaters surprised when they find out what it is made out of.

Avocados are one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet, as they are rich sources of essential amino acids, fatty acids, and antioxidant phytonutrients. Moreover, avocados are abundant in oleic acid, which is a monounsaturated fat that increases fat metabolism, the carotenoid antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, and Vitamin E (tocopherol).These antioxidants reduce oxidative stress and support the health of the cellular environment. Avocados are also high in ionic potassium and folate, which alkalize the body and help the elimination of acidic wastes from the body.

To see the complete recipe, click HERE.

To see all of our hundreds of healthy, tasty recipes, click HERE.

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Thursday, February 22, 2018

Natural Help for Shingles

Natural Help for Shingles

by Tony Isaacs
author of 
Cancer's Natural Enemy

(The Best Years in Life) It is estimated that at some point in their lives 1 in every 3 Americans will be best by shingles - a viral infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox. The medical term for shingles is ‘herpes zoster’. After you have had chickenpox, the virus becomes dormant in your nerve tissue, but it can be reactivated years later as shingles. It is more common in adults between the ages of 60 and 80 and those with weakened immune systems. Read More.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Beating Hepatitis Naturally - A Complete Protocol

Beating Hepatitis Naturally - A Complete Protocol

by Tony Isaacs
author of Cancer's Natural Enemy

(The Best Years in Life) Hepatitis C is considered an epidemic and is now killing more people than Aids/HIV. . . 30,000 a year and it's going to get much worse. Right now, 5 million Americans are infected with Hepatitis C - and most of them don't know it. That is 1 out of every 50 people.....and some will be people you know. The number of adults seeking liver transplants for hepatitis C infection will skyrocket in the next 20 years. An estimated 10,000 to 30,000 Americans die from this disease or it's complications each year. Deaths are expected to increase because of the increasing risk of infection, and the resulting cirrhosis, portal hypertension, thrombocytopenia, bleeding, and liver cancer. Five years ago, 20% of hepatitis C patients were candidates for liver transplantation and today the number has increased to about 50%. Read More.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Addressing COPD Naturally

Addressing COPD Naturally

by Tony Isaacs

(Silver Bulletin e-News Magazine) Part 1. COPD, which stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is a lung disease characterized by progressive airflow limitations where sufferers of the disease are increasingly unable to take in and absorb enough oxygen. Millions of people suffer from COPD and when it is treated by mainstream medicine, the progression of the disease can be managed and slowed down, but it cannot be completely halted or reversed and the disease will ultimately become fatal. Fortunately for those who look outside mainstream medicine, nature may offer a different outcome.

To see part 1 of this three part series:

To see part 2 of this three part series:

To see part 3 of this three part series:

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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Southwest Vegetable Frittata

Southwest Vegetable Frittata

(The Best Years in LifeIf you’re in a breakfast rut, this recipe is the perfect start to help you eat healthier all day long. A delicious combination of vegetables, beans and eggs follow our cancer-protective proportions of plant and animal foods. Seasoned with salsa, cilantro and topped with cool avocado, this frittata is sure to make it into your morning routine. Takes only 15 minutes to prepare and 10 minutes to cook.

To see the complete recipe, click HERE.

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Sunday, February 11, 2018

Cleansing the Liver, Gallbladder, Colon, Kidneys, and Blood

Cleansing the Liver, Gallbladder, Colon, Kidneys, and Blood

Compiled by Tony Isaacs
as excerpted from the author's book "Cancer's Natural Enemy"

(The Best Years in Life) When it comes to maintaining good health, as well as fighting and warding off disease and illness, no organ is more important than the liver - the body's toxic disposal plant. Another important area of the body when it comes to health and illness is the stomach, and it has often been said that good health begins in the gut. Read More.

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Friday, February 9, 2018

It's Cancer Prevention Month - Who Would've Guessed?

It's Cancer Prevention Month - Who Would've Guessed?

by Tony Isaacs
author of 
Cancer's Natural Enemy

(The Best Years in Life) It's Cancer Prevention Month - have you noticed all the hooplah, events and sponsorships like we saw in October during Breast Cancer Awareness Month? No, you haven't - and there are two very good (or bad) reasons why: First of all, there is relatively little money to be made by telling people how to live and eat healthily to prevent cancer compared to the hundreds of billions made every year in treating cancer and secondly, preventing cancer would require recognizing the main cause of cancer, which is toxins. Those who profit from cancer and the toxin producers who sponsor Breast Cancer Awareness, which is designed to cover up the role of toxins, want anything to do with telling people how to prevent cancer. Read More.

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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Boost Low White Blood Cell Count and Immune Function Naturally

Boost Low White Blood Cell Count and Immune Function Naturally

by Tony Isaacs
author of 
Cancer's Natural Enemy

(The Best Years in Life) Low white blood cell counts are indicative of a suppressed immune system and can have many causes. Emotional state and stress, an unhealthy diet and lifestyle, and nutritional intake can all cause lower immune system response and low white blood cell counts. Low immunity can also be caused by a number of health conditions, by surgical or medical treatments and by the natural aging process. Whatever the cause, low immunity and low white blood cell counts prevent the body from being able to have an optimum response to infections and illness. Here are some things which can help prevent low immunity and keep white blood cell counts high: Read More.

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Sunday, February 4, 2018

Paleo Baked Crispy Buffalo Wings

Just in Time for the Superbowl: Lip Smacking Paleo Baked Crispy Buffalo Wings

(The Best Years in Life When it comes to a tasty, crowd-pleasing treat for big football games, campouts, picnics or just about any occasion, good buffalo wings are hard to beat. And these crispy baked paleo buffalo wings are not just good, they are some of the very best. Not only are they crispy without frying, they are also delicious as well as paleo healthy. Gluten-free, grain-free, egg free and dairy free, they will stack up against the best fried buffalo wings to be found anywhere - and likely come out on top!

To see the complete recipe, click HERE.

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Thursday, February 1, 2018

Naturally Address and Relieve the Causes and Symptoms of Diarrhea

Naturally Address and Relieve the Causes and Symptoms of Diarrhea

by Tony Isaacs
author of Cancer's Natural Enemy

(The Best Years in Life) If you're an average American, you'll probably have one or two unpleasant episodes of diarrhea this year. Fortunately, diarrhea will normally pass within a couple of days, and if it doesn’t there are natural remedies which will usually help. Read More.

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