Monday, August 29, 2016

Feijoada (Brazilian Black Bean Stew)

Feijoada (Brazilian Black Bean Stew)

(The Best Years in Life) During the recent Olympics in Rio, a segment on TV had two reporters eating and raving about Feijoada, a black bean stew dish that is a Brazilian favorite. We choose a very highly rated recipe from the AllRecipes site and made a few healthy substitutions and suggestions. This is certainly a meaty dish (sorry vegans!) and thus the key to making it healthy will be choosing the right kinds of meats. After all, It isn't meats that make a dish unhealthy, it's the kind of meats! Where possible go with organic and/or additive free meats and you will be doing your health a big favor. You will almost assuredly be doing your taste buds a big favor and may well find your self raving about this dish like the reporters at the Olympics.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Vaccinations Followed by Tylenol Increase Risk of Autism

Vaccinations Followed by Tylenol Increase Risk of Autism

(The Best Years in Life) There have been several lawsuits filed, some settled, some still pending, and some dismissed from parents against Johnson & Johnson baby products. One of the other products was Johnson & Johnson's Baby Tylenol, which contains acetaminophen.

Included in a recent article about the lawsuits was a dispute over a lawsuit by the parents of baby Tracen Sherfey, who died after administering Baby Tylenol, as prescribed, to help Tracen recover from a surgical procedure shortly after birth. Read More.

The Flawed Germ Theory; Unfortunately the Basis of Modern Medicine

The Flawed Germ Theory; Unfortunately the Basis of Modern Medicine

(The Best Years in Life) Ever wonder why modern medicine is not helping the populations of the western world to become healthier? Maybe the foundation for health is wrong. Read More.

Last Night's Podcast - Scott Tips, President of The National Health Federation

Last Night's Podcast - Scott Tips, President of The National Health Federation

Excellent interview last night with Scot Tips, President of The National Health Federation. The subject was Codex Alimentarius and how it is affecting our lives today. He also talked about how The Health Federation attends Codex Meetings in order to represent the people. An interview everyone should listen to.
During the first half hour, Tony introduced additions to our website and talked about how our supplements are being controlled, or attempting to be controlled.
During the second half hour, Luella started a two part series on the bullying epidemic and how this issue can be addressed.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Tom Kha Thai Soup: Herbal Medicine in a Delicious Thai Soup

Tom Kha Thai Soup: Herbal Medicine in a Delicious Thai Soup

(The Best Years in Life) Tom Kha soup is a dish from Thailand. It might possibly turn out to be your most favorite Thai dish ever - recipe creator Rosalee de la ForĂȘt at the wonderful websiteLearningHerbs says that it is her most favorite dish period! She reports that "The richness of the coconut milk mingles with the tartness of the lemongrass in a base of super delicious bone broth soup. We make a big batch of this soup once a week and eat it numerous times throughout the week. When we have dinner guests or bring food to folks (because of injury or recent birth) we generally serve this soup. And we always hear people ranting and raving. We love to eat this soup in the winter time as part of our medicine cabinet to keep our immune systems strong throughout the winter and to avoid getting upper respiratory infections like colds and the flu. It is packed full of powerful immune herbs and spicy warming herbs that are perfect for the cold winter months."

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Zika The Next Big Health Scare

Zika The Next Big Health Scare

by Tony Isaacs, Natural Health Journalist/Advocate
[The Truth About the Zika Virus Health Scare and What You Really Need to Know and Do]
( Welcome to Zika the next big health scare: The Zika Virus (or Zika), a mosquito-borne virus which is being blamed for microcephaly, a condition in which babies are born with abnormally small heads and which can cause brain damage and death. Like previous scares about the swine and avian flu, the measles, the West Nile virus, the cervical cancer/HPV scare and the U.S. Ebola scare, the Zika health scare is completely overblown. In fact, it appears to be a hoax which completely ignores the real causes of microcephaly.
Read More:

Last Night's Podcast - Deborah Merlin, Author of Victory Over ADHD

Last Night's Podcast - Deborah Merlin, Author of Victory Over ADHD

Outstanding show last night with Deborah, Merlin, Author of Victory Over ADHD. If you have a child with ADD, ADHD, Autism, or know someone who does, this interview is for you. Last night's show was jam packed with information about ADD. ADHD, autism, the consequences of drugs and vaccines and the politics behind it all. This is an interview for everyone.
During the first hour, Tony introduced additions to our website and talked about the Zika hoax. With all the talk about the Zika epidemic in certain parts of the world and the country, this is important for you to listen to. Learn what is causing these Zika issues, and it's not the Zika Virus.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Slow-Cooker Chicken and Dumplings - Hearty and Delicious!

Slow-Cooker Chicken and Dumplings - Hearty and Delicious!

(The Best Years in Life) Chicken and Dumplings is a comfort-food classic that most of us remember fondly from our parents or grandparents, or perhaps from making it ourselves. With this recipe you can easily make your own delicious, hearty and healthier chicken and dumplings meal in a crock pot or other slow cooker. For the healthiest recipe, be sure to use organic content as much as possible - including the broth and soup, which are now widely available at grocers. Also, either use unbleached flour dough/biscuits or go even healthier and gluten free by making your own gluten-free dough with the included recipe link.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

Friday, August 12, 2016

Wasabi-Crusted Cod with Ponzu Sauce

Wasabi-Crusted Cod with Ponzu Sauce

(The Best Years in Life) If you’re looking for an elegant, healthy dinner, this award winning fresh fish dish is for you. Featuring spicy wasabi and crunchy sesame, it’s the best way to enjoy protein-rich cod. Cooking the fish directly on the stove and then finishing it in the oven toasts the top, but keeps it moist on the inside. This recipe, created by Hannah Herrera, from Maricopa, Arizona, won first place in the American Institute for Cancer Research's 2016 CCAP recipe contest. Also included is the recipe for Ponzu Sauce.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

5 Signs You Might Need Dentures

5 Signs You Might Need Dentures

(The Best Years in LifeAre you concerned about your dental health? Do you experience pain when brushing or eating? If so, you might need dentures. The good news is, you do have options before it gets to that point.

You may still choose to get dentures for cosmetic reasons, but you can act now to reverse gum decay and bone loss before false teeth are your only option.
Here are the top 5 signs you might need dentures: Read More.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

How Big Pharma uses Government Agencies and Citizens' Groups to Inhibit Medical Marijuana

How Big Pharma uses Government Agencies and Citizens' Groups to Inhibit Medical Marijuana

(The Best Years in Life) A lot of ordinary citizens and government bureaucrats like to pose the state by state medical marijuana movements as hoaxes to only benefit what they perceive as an excuse to get high on pot. They often complain about this as they guzzle their beers or sip their wine or over cocktails. But the biggest menace for legalized medical marijuana may come from Big Pharma's funding of front groups opposing medical marijuana . . . Read More.

Hearing Loss May Triple Dementia Risk

Hearing Loss May Triple Dementia Risk

(The Best Years in LifeDo you struggle to understand what those around you are saying? Have you been sitting closer and closer to the television just to hear what's going on? If so, you could be at increased risk of dementia. The results of an 18-year study (which concluded in 2011) revealed that out of 639 mentally-sharp individuals, those with moderate-to-severe hearing loss were up to three times more likely to be diagnosed with dementiaRead More.

Last Night's Podcast - Chris McCleary, Director of the National Dream Center

Last Night's Podcast - Chris McCleary, Director of the National Dream Center

Spectacular show last night with Chris McCleary, Director of the National Dream Center. We talked as to how the National Dream Center uses dreambots in interpreting precognitive dreams with quite a bit of success. We talked about current events and upcoming events. We also touched on dream disorders and what can be done in treating them. Very informative and enlightening show.
During the first half hour, Tony introduced additions to our website and touched a little bit on the Zika Virus Hoax.
During the second half hour, Luella's topic was: Why do we dream?
If you missed the show, the podcast is below:

Monday, August 8, 2016

Add Alzheimer’s and Cancer to the List of Diseases Helped by Marijuana

Add Alzheimer’s and Cancer to the List of Diseases Helped by Marijuana

(The Best Years in Life) Just about everyone who has witnessed a group of people using marijuana knows the conversation is different from the usual. Instead of sports, TV or politics, marijuana users choose topics you’d never expect. Their minds have been expanded, even if what they say seems off the wall to those who are not partaking. They are full of new ideas and new slants on old ideas. Why is this? A study from the Salk Institute published in June has found evidence that the psychoactive component of marijuana, known as THC, may stimulate brain function and remove the plaque buildup on brain neurons that is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Read More.

Enforced Vaccinations Could Ultimately Ruin Everyone's Lives

Enforced Vaccinations Could Ultimately Ruin Everyone's Lives

(The Best Years in LifeIf you don't have children or your kids are now adults, you might think the government and vaccine industry push for mandating vaccinations is not of any concern. Wrong. They are coming for senior citizens and adults who work in the so called health industry and care takers or teachers in nursery, kindergarten, and grade schools Read More.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Which Vitamin E is the Right Vitamin E?

Which Vitamin E is the Right Vitamin E?

(The Best Years in LifeWhen Hippocrates said “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”, he didn’t say anything about supplements. Was this because supplements hadn’t yet been invented, or was it because he was even wiser than we think? At any rate, it is probably a good idea to get vitamins from eating high quality foods. If that is not possible, there are cautions to heed before buying supplements, especially supplements of Vitamin E. Read More.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Last Night's Podcast - Intuitive Empath Naomi Corbett Kelsall

Last Night's Podcast - Intuitive Empath Naomi Corbett Kelsall

Outstanding interview last night with Intuitive Empath Naomi Corbett Kelsall. The theme of the show was finding your soul's purpose. Naomi went in depth on this subject. This interview is for everybody.
During the first half hour, Tony introduced additions to our website
During the second half hour, Luella's topic was: What is our soul's purpose?

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Grilled Ginger-Sesame Chicken Chopped Salad

Grilled Ginger-Sesame Chicken Chopped Salad

(The Best Years in Life) This healthy grilled ginger-sesame chicken chopped salad is a great one to add to your rotation. It’s easy, it is incredibly flavorful and all the textures in this salad are amazing – the crunch, the chew, the tenderness and the unique bite from the sesame seeds. The best part of this salad is the marinated and grilled chicken. You may enjoy it so much that you will start making it all by itself on occasion. It has the perfect blend of flavors and the marinade ,and is quick and easy to throw together. This salad also features cabbage instead of the same old lettuce. Summer is salad season so keep this recipe handy and try it soon!

For more healthy and delicious recipes, please visit: