Wednesday, December 31, 2014

10 myths and facts about testosterone in women

10 myths and facts about testosterone in women

by Barbara Minton

(Health Secrets) It’s difficult to go a day without seeing a commercial promoting testosterone replacement for men. It’s a great idea because testosterone is the dominant male steroid hormone, and low testosterone has been shown to increase risk of death from all causes. But here is a surprising fact: Testosterone is the most the abundant steroid hormone in women too, and it is just as biologically active in women as it is in men. So why don’t we see commercials for testosterone therapy in women? Renown researchers and anti-aging specialists Drs. Rebecca Glaser and Constantine Dimitrakakis have given us the answer to that question in their recently released report entitled Testosterone therapy in women: Myths and misconceptions. Read More.

Black-Eyed Peas

Black-Eyed Peas

Don't Forget to Start New Years Off with Black-eyed Peas
Did you know that black-eyed peas were first domesticated in Africa over 5000 years ago? It's true, and black slaves introduced them to the New World hundreds of years ago along with the belief that they brought good luck. Since then black-eyed peas have become a New Year's tradition for bringing good luck for the entire year in the South and much of the rest of the country. Get 2015 off to a tasty, healthy and lucky start with one of the following recipes:
This Southern dish dates back to the 19th century and, while it is a great dish to serve any time of the year, it is widely served on New Year’s Day in homes across the country. Featuring black-eyed peas, a type of bean, each serving provides an excellent source of fiber. Foods containing dietary fiber can reduce your chances of developing colorectal cancer.
Here is a great spicy black-eyed pea and black bean salsa recipe you can serve with tortilla chips which is aptly described as "very addicting". Make this fresh or make it in advance and take along for holiday outings and family get togethers. As noted in the instructions and ingredients, you can make a quick version of this recipe by using canned ingredients, but - though the quick version will taste great - if you take the time to use fresh ingredients and cook dried peas and beans, it will be even better. Which ever way you go, You and your guests are sure to be coming back for more and more. In other words, don't expect any leftovers! And remember, black-eyed peas on New Year's Day brings good luck for the entire year.
This recipe came from Bina Toniyat of Bangalore, India. Onions - one batch stewed with black-eyed peas, the other pureed with fresh coconut - sweeten the curry, made extra-creamy by the slow breakdown of the black-eyed peas. Don't worry about the number of chilis - the coconut and peas tend to absorb some of the peppers' heat.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Naturally Prevent, Relieve and Eliminate Unpleasant Hangovers

Naturally Prevent, Relieve and Eliminate Unpleasant Hangovers

by Tony Isaacs

(The Best Years in Life) Most of us who drink alcoholic beverages have over-indulged on occasion and most often paid for our excesses by being cursed with a nasty hangover. It might be argued that the bleary-eyed, queasy, head-aching morning after is a just reward for not exercising better judgment and restraint. However, even though we know better, hangovers do happen to some of us. Using a bit of common sense and natural remedies can help prevent future hangovers and take the bite out of ones that do happen.Read More.

Winter Sun Makes It Difficult To Get Vitamin D Naturally

Winter Sun Makes It Difficult To Get Vitamin D Naturally

By Tony Isaacs

(The Best Years in Life)) During the shorter daylight days in late fall, winter and early spring, your body may be missing invaluable Vitamin D needed for optimum health and disease prevention, according to Creighton University researcher Joan Lappe, Ph.D. Read More.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Store Happy Memories and Count Your Blessings Each Year with Memory Jars

Store Happy Memories and Count Your Blessings Each Year with Memory Jars

by Tony Isaacs

(The Best Years in LifeOften the best gifts and most cherished memories are simple ones which come from the heart. This year, give your special someone, spouse, children and/or friends a simple gift which they can use to store memories and count blessings every year: a memory jars. Read More.

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Thursday, December 25, 2014

Cauliflower Garlic Mock Mashed Potatoes

Cauliflower Garlic Mock Mashed Potatoes

If you have never substituted cauliflower for potatoes you are in for a surprising and delicious delight. Chances are, most guests will have no idea you have made the substitution. And they are sure to enjoy this delicious recipe which combines the cruciferous cancer fighter cauliflower with garlic and Parmesan.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

Treat prostate enlargement naturally for best results

Treat prostate enlargement naturally for best results

by Barbara Minton

(Health Secrets) In the Western world it’s almost a given that men over the age of 45 develop symptoms of prostate problems. These problems fall into three categories:

Ginger is the versatile healing herb (with recipes)

Ginger is the versatile healing herb (with recipes)

by Crescence Allen

(Health Secrets) Ginger is a happy, warming herb that stirs up memories of family holidays, gingerbread cookies, and pumpkin pies. Ginger is an ancient spice used worldwide, and now we are recognizing that ginger is one of the most versatile healers on earth. Read More.

10 New Year's Resolutions for a Healthier 2015 and Beyond

10 New Year's Resolutions for a Healthier 2015 and Beyond

by Tony Isaacs

(The Best Years in Life) It's that time of year again when many of us resolve to make improvements in our lives and habits for the coming year. Often, such resolutions have to do with improving our health, such as losing excess weight or quitting smoking. Besides such obvious areas as weight loss and putting down cigarettes, there are a number of other resolutions many of us could make to improve our health. Here are ten resolutions which are almost certain to lead to a healthier 2015 and beyond: Read More.



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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

From colds to cancer, you can’t beat garlic

From colds to cancer, you can’t beat garlic

by Paul Fassa

(Health Secrets) Garlic (Allium sativum) has the broadest spectrum of any antimicrobial substance we know of. It’s antibacterial, antifungal, anti-parasitic, anti-protozoan and antiviral, says Paul Bergner, Director of The North American Institute of Herbal Medicine and author of The Healing Power of Garlic. This along with more health benefits has been confirmed by other researchers, and even many from mainstream medicine, and the research includes cancer. Read More.

Tennessee Honey Eggnog

Tennessee Honey Eggnog

A TBYIL Healthier and Tastier Original Recipe

This original recipe from The Best Years in Life is likely to be the tastiest version of a holiday favorite that you have ever had the pleasure of sipping. It is super easy to make, absolutely delicious and also healthier than normal eggnog - especially if you use all of our healthier suggestions in the recipe.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

Reduce high blood pressure with garlic

Reduce high blood pressure with garlic

by Caroline Petvin

(Health Secrets) Garlic can be used to reduce blood pressure levels in people with uncontrolled hypertension, even if they are already being unsuccessfully treated with medication, according to an Austrialian trial. Although garlic is known for a range of health benefits, this is one of the first conclusive studies into its cardiovascular benefits. Read More

‘Gluten-free’ and ‘vegan’ not as healthy as you think

‘Gluten-free’ and ‘vegan’ not as healthy as you think

by Ethan Huff

(Health Secrets) Are you eating gluten-free, vegetarian, or vegan? Maybe a better question would be, Do you know what is contained in that gluten-free pizza, veggie burger, or soy protein you are eating? These stylish ways of eating are being embraced by people whether they have food allergies or not, under the mantra of being healthy. But products designed to appeal to those eating alternatively are often packaged, processed, and contain more than about half a dozen ingredients. And they are probably no healthier than traditional processed foods, even if they doesn’t contain gluten or animal based products. Read More.

How to avoid the weight loss pitfall

How to avoid the weight loss pitfall

by Dr. Michael Harbison

(Health Secrets) Why is it that whenever you try to eat sensibly and loose some weight, you end up feeling terrible or actually getting physically sick? The answer is that fairly quickly after you start eating better, new things go on inside your body. Read More.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Exercises You Can Do at Your Desk

Exercises You Can Do at Your Desk

(The Best Years in LifeIf you've been considering buying yourself a Bowflex or similar machine for Christmas, consider a cheaper alternative: a desk. A Bowflex machine and it's competitors work with bendable cables that create resistance, but you can buy exercise cables that work the same way for a lot less. The only advantage a machine like the Bowflex has is that it comes with a seat and something to hold the cables. Your desk can do most of that and more. There are also many effective exercises you can do with your bodyweight. Read More.


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Friday, December 19, 2014

Eggnog Custard with Raspberry Jam

Eggnog Custard with Raspberry Jam

Oh, eggnog. You’re a festive vessel for hooch, happily consumed by guests in the name of good cheer. But why, dear eggnog, is there always so much of you left in the fridge the next day? There’s only one thing to do: Turn you into custard. In this recipe, we mix eggnog with bourbon, cream and vanilla until it’s silky smooth. Then we chill the custard and, just before serving, top it with a little bit of raspberry jam.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

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Blue-Ribbon Potato Salad

Blue-Ribbon Potato Salad

A creamy scoop of Blue-Ribbon Potato Salad goes well with any straightforward diner-style sandwich and is also a good side dish for holiday spreads. Though this recipe calls for russet potatoes in this salad, you can use a mix of small red new and baby Yukon Gold potatoes for a colorful alternative.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:



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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Baked Eggs with Mushrooms and Spinach

Baked Eggs with Mushrooms and Spinach

There is nothing better than a hot breakfast on a cold morning. This earthy breakfast casserole recipe is an easy way to use cancer protective vegetables and whole grains. The combination of fiber and protein in this hearty dish will help satisfy any appetite.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:



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Natural Alternatives to Hormone Replacement Therapy

Natural Alternatives to Hormone Replacement Therapy

(The Best Years in LifeIn an earlier article, we discussed the dangers of hormone replacement therapy. In this article, we will explore some of your safer, natural alternatives. Read More.

The Krill Miracle™
The Krill Miracle™

Concentrated Omega 3, 6 & 9, Many Times More Powerful than Fish Oil

You Have More than One Stomach!

You Have More than One Stomach!

by Carolyn Dean MD ND

(The Best Years in LifeLike most of us who are on the internet, I get a lot of emails, newsletters and blogs about the imminent state of collapse of the world. But then I still wake up the next day and the sun still rises.

How do our minds rationalize the incredible stress of doom and gloom targeting us from every angle? According to Total Biology/German New Medicine, our minds don’t rationalize. In order to prevent the disaster that our mind is being told exists, the mind will put some of this stress into the body as a way of coping. This results in a physical disease or symptoms that supposedly are trying to distress the mind and “solve the problem.”

But even this enlightened way of looking at stress and illness doesn’t take into account the many bodies that each of us currently inhabits. I have a chapter in my Death by Modern Medicine eBook, Death by Media that discusses our four bodies. Read More.

Pico-Ionic Magnesium, Absorbed 100% at the Cellular Level

Last Night's Podcast - Renowned Alternative Voice Dr. Carolyn Dean

Last Night's Podcast - Renowned Alternative Voice Dr. Carolyn Dean

Spectacular interview last night with Dr. Carolyn Dean, Best Selling Author and and the world's leading expert on magnesium. Last night, we talked about the perils of Modern Medicine from her book, "Death by Modern Medicine." This is an interview that everyone should listen to, and a book that everyone should read.

During the first half hour, Tony went over additions to our website and talked about "How greed has ruined western medicine."

During the second half hour, Luella talked about life circumstances and triggers that can lead to depression.

If you missed last night's show, the link is below:

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Today's Guest is World Renowned Alternative Voice Dr. Carolyn Dean

Today's Guest is World Renowned Alternative Voice Dr. Carolyn Dean

World renowned alternative health voice, Dr, Carolyn Dean, joins us today on The Best Years in Life Radio. The subject of the interview will be excerpts from her book, "Death by Modern Medicine."

During the first half hour, Tony will go over additions to our website and his topic will be "How greed has ruined western medicine."

During the second half hour Luella will talk about life triggers the can lead to depression.
Show starts at 6:00 pm Central Time. Please check your time zones.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Fried Sweet Potato Pancakes with Cinnamon and Nutmeg

Fried Sweet Potato Pancakes with Cinnamon and Nutmeg

Golden fried healthy and delicious sweet potato pancakes receive a further boost with freshly ground nutmeg (or you can choose ground nutmeg from the spice aisle).

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:



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Avocado, Cheddar and Sprouts Pockets with Tangy Lime Mayo

Avocado, Cheddar and Sprouts Pockets with Tangy Lime Mayo

It's easy to make a distinctive sandwich for an outdoor party when using pita breads. Here, sprouts, red onion, avocado, cheddar cheese, and a lime mayonnaise combine to make a healthy meal. This fast, delicious sandwich is California-cool which would be great on a hot summer's day, but delicious any time of year. The monounsaturated fats in avocado can actually lower bad cholesterol and are healthy in many other ways as well. Plus, with a bit of extra effort or extra purchased items you can make or buy gluten-free pocket pita bread and a much healthier mayonnaise that is free of soy and canola.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

The Krill Miracle™

The Krill Miracle™

Concentrated Omega 3, 6 & 9, Many Times More Powerful than Fish Oil

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Last Night's Podcast - Holistic Practitioner Marlene Ivette

Last Night's Podcast - Holistic Practitioner Marlene Ivette

Another outstanding interview last night with Holistic Practitioner Marlene Ivette. The subject was effectively using essential oils in addressing emotional health. We focused on children with ADD/ADHD. A must listen to for all.
During the first hour, Luella talked about the benefits of colloidal silver, and Tony talked about How to avoid and beat the flu naturally.
If you missed last night's show, the podcast is below:

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Today's Guest is Holistic Practitioner Marlene Ivette

Today's Guest is Holistic Practitioner Marlene Ivette

Holistic Practitioner Marlene Ivette joins us today on The Best Years in Life Radio. We will be talking about how mental/emotional illness can be effectively addressed using essential oils.

During the first hour of the show, Tony will go over additions to our website and will discuss "How to Beat and Avoid the Flu Naturally."

Show starts at 6:00 pm Central Time.  Please check your time zones.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Mini Breakfast Pot Pies

Mini Breakfast Pot Pies

This recipe is a snap to make and is super delicious too. You can use this same idea to make mini pot pies for any meal, but in this version I choose to add a couple of eggs to make breakfast pot pies. Make your own biscuits with coconut flour from the recipe link inside this one for an even healthier version.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

Exercises to Prevent Core Instability

Exercises to Prevent Core Instability

(The Best Years in LifeAsk most people what core exercises are and you'll likely get an answer pertaining to six pack abs. In reality, working one's core has little to do with muscle definition and everything to do with stability, specifically of the torso. Even more specifically, the spine.

If you allow the muscles that support the spine to get weak, you might see diminished posture and balance, but more likely than not you risk significant back pain and injury. A few simple exercises will help prevent instability and give you a foundation for a truly strong core. Building a six pack on top of that is completely optional. Read More.

You have probably heard about the wonders of Vitamin B17, aka Laetrile. We have found a great source to recommend to everyone!