Friday, April 29, 2016

Reduce Risk of Heart Disease and Type 2 Diabetes by Eating Eggs

Reduce Risk of Heart Disease and Type 2 Diabetes by Eating Eggs

(The Best Years in LifeEat eggs to cut risk of heart disease? It just doesn't sound right after all the years we have been told to avoid eggs. But that's how food technology works. Before it can get people to throw out the real foods that kept their ancestors healthy for hundreds of years, and substitute the fake foods created by food technologists, they have to create a campaign to convince you that those real foods are your enemies.

The negative campaign against eggs has been long lived and filled with disinformation, but recent research is documenting that eating eggs provides tremendous health benefits and can cut risk of heart disease significantly. Read More.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Down the Rabbit Hole of the Vaxxed Controversy

Down the Rabbit Hole of the Vaxxed Controversy

(The Best Years in LifeThe constant some times successful attempts at censoring the documentary “Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe” is a pivotal point in the vaccine safety and efficacy “debate”. Read More.

Broiled Portobello Mushrooms

Broiled Portobello Mushrooms

This vegetarian dish is both delicious and healthy - and makes a good choice for a quick go-to meal during the dog days of summer as well as a great pick to warm a cool weather evening. Featuring an Italian-inspired herb marinade over broiled Portobello mushrooms, this recipe will satisfy even the most ardent carnivores. Low calorie and virtually fat-free, one of these mushrooms has more potassium than a banana. Serve with a salad containing cheese and a slice of whole grain (or gluten free) bread for a balanced, meatless meal.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit

Last Night's Podcast - Luz Aguirrebena, Founder of The Hawk Mindset

Last Night's Podcast - Luz Aguirrebena, Founder of The Hawk Mindset

Spectacular interview last night with Luz Aguirrebena, Founder of Soul Hangout and The Hawk Mindset. We talked about how to take charge of your thoughts to become the conscious architect of your Life experience, embarking in a journey to Self Responsibility and Soul Purpose Manifesting Powers. This is an interview for EVERYONE!
During the first half hour, Tony M. Isaacs went over additions to our website and continued his talk on avoiding and eliminating toxins.
And during the second half hour, Luella talked about letting go of the victim mindset and empowering yourself.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Last Night's Podcast - Ann Fonfa, President of the Annie Appleseed Project

Last Night's Podcast - Ann Fonfa, President of the Annie Appleseed Project

Outstanding interview last night with Ann E. Fonfa, Founder and President of the Annie Appleseed Project. She and Tony talked about her cancer background and what she now does to help people heal naturally. They talked about the mission of the Annie Appleseed Project and the conference scheduled for March of next year.
During the first half hour, Tony M. Isaacs went over additions to our website and talked about how our health system is rigged against us.
During the second half hour, Luella talked about the emotional roots of disease.
If you missed the show, the podcast is below:

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Why Time Spent Outdoors in Nature is Essential for Optimum Health

Why Time Spent Outdoors in Nature is Essential for Optimum Health

(The Best Years in LifeThere are several reasons why everyone needs to spend some time outdoors in nature, some obvious, like fresh air with more oxygen from grass and trees converting CO2 into oxygen. Others, such as grounding (or earthing) and contact with beneficial soil bacteria are more subtle yet experienced as uplifting and elevating, which contribute to the mind-body health connection. Read More.

Hazelnut Chocolate Blini With Raspberry Drizzle

Hazelnut Chocolate Blini With Raspberry Drizzle

This beautiful special occasion dessert is perfect for brunch. Blini are crepe-like pancakes made without a leavening agent. This recipe features hazelnut flour, sweet raspberry sauce and dark chocolate. Research has shown that the heart-healthy phytochemicals in dark chocolate, called flavonoids, may also boost antioxidant defenses for cancer prevention.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

Monday, April 18, 2016

Address Multiple Sclerosis with Immune Modulators and other Natural Remedies

Address Multiple Sclerosis with Immune Modulators and other Natural Remedies

by Luella May

(The Best Years in Life) Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the myelin sheaths surrounding the nerve fibers in the spinal cord, eye and brain. With these myelin sheaths damaged, nerves cannot transmit the impulses necessary for the body to function properly which, in turn, results in a variety of neurological impairments. Medical science does not understand what causes MS, but attributes it to various factors, such as a genetics, environment insult, or viral infection. Interestingly enough though, no specific virus involved in MS has ever been indentified. MS is a fairly modern disease, with the first case being recorded in the early 1800′s. Jean Cruveilheir first described the symptoms in Pathological Anatomy of the Human Body (2 vols., 1829-1842). Read More.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Restore or Improve Heart Health with Vitamin C

Restore or Improve Heart Health with Vitamin C

(The Best Years in Life) There have been mainstream medical studies that have examined the positive effects of vitamin C for cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention, well over 600. The major aspect they discovered is vitamin C's capacity to create collagen, a type of tissue that's both flexible and strong. This is vital for arteries.

Studies also revealed the mechanics of ascorbic acid to increase intracellular biochemical activity involved with the production of nitric oxide (NO) which helps dilate blood vessels, in conjunction with ascorbic acid's creation of collagen to strengthen those arterial walls. Read More.

Healthy Soy Sauce Substitutes

Healthy Soy Sauce Substitutes

Soy has been linked to many health dangers, particularly unfermented soy and genetically modified (GMO) soy. Here are two easy and healthy soy sauce substitutes you can use just like soy sauce on sushi and other oriental dishes as well as use to make other home made sauces like homemade teriyaki and homemade Worcestershire sauce.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

Kids Who Get Dirty Have Better Immune Systems

Kids Who Get Dirty Have Better Immune Systems

(The Best Years in LifeSpring has a way of luring kids out of the house to play and get dirty. Cleaning them up and doing extra laundry may keep parents busy, but now they can feel better about the grime. Research is showing that kids who get dirty grow up healthier than kids who don't. Exposure to certain bacteria at young ages helps children develop stronger and more regulated immune systems and lessens the likelihood they will develop allergies. Read More.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Last Night's Podcast - Holistic Practitioner Michelle Miller

Last Night's Podcast - Holistic Practitioner Michelle Miller

Another exceptional interview last night with Holistic Practitioner Michelle C Miller. We talked about the liver and how it is important in maintaining the entire body. Is your liver healthy? Would you possibly have a congested liver? Tune in to learn about it and what you can do to restore your liver to optimal health.
During the first half hour, Tony M. Isaacs went over additions to our website and talked about how our health system is rigged against us.
During the second half hour, Luella talked about the nine essential facts about the liver.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Having a Ball with a Bosu Series – Shoulder Exercises

Having a Ball with a Bosu Series – Shoulder Exercises

(The Best Years in LifeThe time of year for sun dresses and tank tops is approaching, but there's still time to get your shoulders in shape before anyone sees them. In this continuation of the Bosu Ball workout series, you'll find the exercises you need to tone you deltoids and work your core. Read More.

French-Style Spinach and Cheese Omelet

French-Style Spinach and Cheese Omelet

A healthy breakfast is the perfect opportunity to start your day off on the right track. This French-style omelet is fluffy and golden with the rich flavor of Parmesan cheese and sautéed spinach. Eggs provide protein and B vitamins and at only 80 calories each, they’re an easy, healthy meal option. Make the recipe as is, or mix it up with leftover veggies.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

Confessions of a Book Burner: Reflections on Profanity

Confessions of a Book Burner: Reflections on Profanity

by Donna Voetee (AKA Granny Good Food)

(The Best Years in LifeSylvester Turner, the mayor of Houston, Texas, and I have something in common. We are both book burners.

Mayor Turner banned the movie, Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe, from Worldfest Houston International Film Festival. I was famous, or infamous, depending on your perspective, for burning an award-winning children’s book, The Headless Cupid, by Zilpha Snyder. A New York Times list ranked this book #24 of the 50 most banned books in America. My friends and I in Dr. Robert Simonds’ school watchdog group, Citizens for Excellence in Education, led the charge against it in 1985 to have it removed from Long Beach (Calif.) Unified School District’s libraries. Read More.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Aluminum is Toxic to All Life Forms

Aluminum is Toxic to All Life

(Silver Bulletin e-News Magazine) Dr Suzanne Humphries has become one of the foremost and most credible opponents to vaccinations. She spent years as a mainstream doctor and finally could no longer ignore, for the sake of money and career, the truth about vaccines. Her videos may not be for everyone because they delve into the deeper science and biology of vaccines, but for those who live and work in the world of science, medicine, and health her work cannot honestly be simply brushed aside as quackery. It is shocking that in a Nation that has given so much “lip-service” to “Freedom of Speech and Thought” that anyone expressing beliefs other than that acceptable to mainstream advocates is immediately attacked as a “Quack”. Read More

Vegan Bone Broth That Rivals the Real Thing

Vegan Bone Broth That Rivals the Real Thing

Sounds nuts, right? Ahh, but there is a reason behind the seeming madness: When we say "Rivals the Real Thing" we mean not only in taste but also in the nutrition found in real bone broth. The key to making vegan bone broth that rivals the real thing is to choose foods that have lots of the amino acids glycine and proline, as well as other immune-boosting nutrients. This recipe contains seaweed, which has glycine and proline. Seaweed also contains the amino acid cysteine, which is found in chicken and known to have a calming effect. The ginger and turmeric in the broth are potent anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, and digestion-helpers. Caraway is very rich in glycine and chives are a good source of proline. The spirulina you add at the end is also loaded with these amino acids. Drink this broth when you are sick or whenever you are in need of a nutrient boost.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

Last Night's Podcast - Cynthia Mazzaferro, Founder of The Power Within

Last Night's Podcast - Cynthia Mazzaferro, Founder of The Power Within

Powerful show last night with Cynthia Mazzaferro, Founder of The Power Within. We talked about how we can be powerful beyond measure, and we had a perfect on hands example by a caller who had been sexually abused as a child. This show will help many.
During the first half hour, Tony M. Isaacs went over additions to our website and talked about the vital importance of eliminating and avoiding toxins.
During the second half hour, Luella talked about the difference between personal power and negative power.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Fusilli with Broccoli Rabe Pesto and Burst Cherry Tomatoes

Fusilli with Broccoli Rabe Pesto and Burst Cherry Tomatoes

Are you ready for an easy, nutritious meal that tastes great? The healthy secret to this simple pasta dish is in the sauce. Traditional pesto is a blend of garlic, basil, oil and cheese. This version uses broccoli rabe, a cruciferous vegetable rich in isothiocyanates and other health benefiting compounds that may play a role in cancer prevention. Top with colorful cherry tomatoes for a burst of flavor and extra nutrition.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

Monday, April 4, 2016

What to do with turnips

What to do with turnips

By Traci Sellers

(Health Secrets) Turnips! They’re here every fall, but most of us don’t know what to do with them. Here are some easy and tasty ideas even kids will go for Read More.

Friday, April 1, 2016

The Rise of the Superbugs and the End of the Age of Antibiotics

The Rise of the Superbugs and the End of the Age of Antibiotics

by Tony Isaacs

(The Best Years in Life) Antibiotics have been hailed as medical science's greatest contribution in the fight against illness. Now, over a century after they first came into use, an increasing number of people are coming to believe that the development and widespread use of antibiotics may go down as one of medical science's greatest mistakes.

Quite simply, the age of antibiotics is coming to an end, and we have entered the age of the superbugs -- increasingly virulent pathogens which continue to mutate and defeat the strongest antibiotics that science can produce.

Looking back, it is easy to see why modern medicine is losing the war against microbes. Microbes have been around for 3.5 billion years, and it takes many bacteria only 20-30 minutes to replicate. Read More.

Choose the right cooking fats

Choose the right cooking fats

By Barbara Minton

(Health Secrets) Even the healthiest fats can become major health hazards if they are used as cooking fats. Find out how to use cooking fats and oils safely. Read More.

Grow your own probiotics: fermented foods

Grow your own probiotics: fermented foods

By Patty Donovan

(Health Secrets) Fermented foods have been around for centuries due to their outstanding health benefits. Find out how to make your own, and achieve digestive bliss. Read More.