Thursday, February 28, 2013

How to Free Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness the Natural Way

How to Free Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness the Natural Way
by Luella May

(The Best Years in Life) Depression has become a modern day epidemic, affecting close to 19 million Americans, which is almost ten percent of the population. Depression is a sign your life is out of balance in some way, and the pharmaceutical houses that make drugs to treat depression want us to believe the imbalance is chemical. Yet medications designed to alter brain chemistry often do more harm than good, and natural, safer methods that treat depression seem to produce the best results.

The premise that depression is due to a chemical imbalance in the brain has no scientific backing. In fact, studies were done several decades ago to see if low serotonin levels were responsible for depression, and in 1983 the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) reported, “There is no evidence that there is anything wrong in the serotonergic system of depressed patients.”  Read More. 

Manage bed bug problems with safe, non-toxic pest solutions

Manage bed bug problems with safe, non-toxic pest solutions
by JB Bardot
(The Best Years in Life) Bed bug infestations are a serious health threat and occur where people live in close quarters. It can take up to 18 months to eradicate a bed bugs problem. Individual efforts to get rid of bed bugs often fail due to the larvae's hardiness and lifespan. It is often necessary to bring in bed bug exterminators to do the job; however, there are some safe, non-toxic, natural solutions you can use to protect yourself from a bed bug infestation before having to resort to an exterminator for bed bugs. Prevention is the first line defense for bed bug control.  Read More.

Gluten-Free Root Vegetable Cobbler with Millet Dumplings


This is the perfect comfort food. It’s creamy, warm, full of tender root vegetables, and good for you to boot! It’s a great “company” dinner and people pleaser. It’s a whole food/grain dinner, that also happens to be gluten free, for those who are concerned with gluten intake.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Greek Inspired Mushroom Barley Patties


This patty has definite Greek leanings which makes it a natural fit with pita bread. The other advantage is if the patty starts to fall apart (like it did at the restaurant which inspired this recipe and at home), the pita will catch all the loose pieces. These patties are flavored with parsley and mint, a classic Greek combination. The mint makes it very flavorful, but is optional.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:

Make Your Own Safe, Natural and Healthy Tooth Pastes and Tooth Cleansers

Make Your Own Safe, Natural and Healthy Tooth Pastes and Tooth Cleansers
by Tony Isaacs

Virtually all commercial toothpastes contain one or both of two problematic ingredients: fluoride and glycerin. Fluoride, a mining by-product, is one of the bigger scams perpetrated on an unwitting public. Instead of being beneficial it actually is damages teeth. Glycerin coats the enamel and prevents natural re-mineralization of teeth. The solution in avoiding those two items may be making your own tooth paste or tooth cleanser at home.

Here are some recipes you can make at home which contain neither fluoride or glycerin:  Read More.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Xylitol Kills Pets, Blood Sugar

 Xylitol Kills Pets, Blood Sugar

Experts say a commonly used sweetener found in chewing gum, candies, baked goods, and toothpaste could cause liver failure in dogs.
Even a small amount of the sugar substitute Xylitol can trigger a significant insulin release, which experts believe causes a drop in a dog's blood sugar level. The decline in blood sugar can be fatal.  Read More.

Antibiotics Use Linked with Increased Cancer Risk

Antibiotics Use Linked with Increased Cancer Risk

(The Best Years in Life) Isn't it ironic that the very thing we were taught would save us may actually be increasing our chances of death from a fatal disease! Recent research has established the link between antibiotic use and cancer.

The results of a nationwide cohort study to determine whether antibiotic use predicts the development of various cancers was published in the International Journal of Cancer. The research involved 3,112,624 individuals, aged 30-79 years, with no history of cancer. Information on the antibiotic use of the participants was obtained from the Drug Prescription Registry in Finland. During the following six years, 134,070 cancer cases in this group were documented from the Finnish Cancer Registry.  Read More.

How to Naturally Prevent, Lessen and Eliminate Age Spots

 How to Naturally Prevent, Lessen and Eliminate Age Spots
by Luella May

(The Best Years in LifeAge Spots are flat brownish discolorations found on skin throughout the body. They usually occurs in people over the age of 40 and are thought to be the result of free radical damage in skin cells. They were once considered harmless, but current thought is that they betray free radical damage inside the body. Age spots take years to develop and are not likely to go away overnight. However, with time and consistent effort they often can be treated naturally. Though age spots are often called liver spots, they normally have little to do with the liver. Excessive sunlight over a period of many years is the primary cause of age spots. Nutritional deficiencies may also lead to age spots.

Since excessive sunlight is a major reason for the development of age spots, it is important to limit sun exposure to healthy amounts. This does not mean avoiding the sun, as sunlight is essential for production of natural vitamin D, an absolutely essential hormone for optimum health. A good rule of thumb is to move to shaded areas, put on a cover-up, or go indoors once the skin shows signs of pinkness.  Read More.

Arthritis - What Causes It and How to Prevent and Remedy It

 Arthritis - What Causes It and How to Prevent and Remedy It

(The Best Years in Life) Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints that troubles nearly 350 million of people worldwide. It can be caused by overuse or by build up of toxins, such as uric acid. Natural treatments for arthritis can relieve suffering and pain in the joints for many people. Arthritis is an autoimmune disease that can be hereditary. Injury can trigger arthritis, as can metabolic disorders, such as gout. Gout mainly attacks the foot joints, but the upper extremities can also be involved.

Low protein diets that are high in complex carbohydrates are advised, along avoiding foods that are known to cause inflammation. The most important foods to avoid are dairy, and for many people, wheat. Coffee can cause an immune response in some people, and avoiding tobacco is recommended as well. Exercise that does not stress the joints helps remove toxins and prevent them from building up. Weight loss is an important factor for some, as reducing the weight carried on the joint relieves pressure and speeds the flow of blood to the area, which brings healing relief.  Read More.

An Easy Three Minute Physical Exercise Which Will Improve Your Brain Function

An Easy Three Minute Physical Exercise Which Will Improve Your Brain Function

(The Best Years in LifeAn unusual exercise to improve mental health and acuity was featured in a Los Angeles CBS News report with an MD a few years ago. The Los Angeles CBS report had a pediatrician, a Yale neurobiologist, an occupational therapist, educators, and parents endorsing it. It is a simple routine, and it has created positive results for learning disabled and autistic children as well as older Alzheimer’s victims.

However, it’s useful for any kind of brain fog or dullness, even emotional instability. It can improve memory and focus, and it’s even made some a little smarter. It seems to improve mental clarity, focus, and memory for everyone regardless of mental condition. There is a video demonstration link provided in the last sentence the of this article.   Read More.

Tilapia with Chunky Tomato Sauce


Take the plunge into seafood with this light recipe for tilapia with tomato salsa. A mild, white fish, tilapia is available year-round and provides lean protein, vitamin B12 and selenium. The tomato salsa features garlic, red pepper, and a fresh squeeze of lemon to bring out the flavor of the fish without salt. Tomatoes are notoriously rich in lycopene, a phytochemical that has shown promising protection against prostate cancer.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:

How Cola Soft Drinks Affect Osteoporosis and Aging

 How Cola Soft Drinks Affect Osteoporosis and Aging

(The Best Years in Life) According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the consumption of cola soft drinks is associated with significantly lower bone mineral density.

Wow! I certainly hope none of my tax dollars went to fund this profound study of the obvious.

The researchers then went on to state that they were not sure what it is in cola that undermines the health of women's bones. They "suspect" that phosphoric acid, an ingredient found in all colas, may be the culprit.  Read More.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Safely Avoid and Remove Dangerous Man-Made Fluoride

 Safely Avoid and Remove Dangerous Man-Made Fluoride
by Tony Isaacs

Thanks to mass fluoridation of our municipal water supplies and inclusion of man-made fluoride in toothpastes and other dental and consumer products, most of us regularly consume dangerous amounts of unnatural fluoride compounds. Despite claims of dental health improvement, such fluoride actually leads to worse dental health as well as a host of other very serious health consequences. Though it may be next to impossible to avoid fluoride entirely, there are many steps one can take to avoid much of the fluoride we consume as well as eliminate existing fluoride in our bodies.

Natural versus Man-Made Fluoride:

Contrary to what we have been told for many decades, man-made fluoride actually leads to fluoridosis, a condition that is marked by stained and weakened hole-filled teeth. Even worse, fluoride can also result in hyperactivity and/or lethargy, arthritis, lowered thyroid function, lowered IQ, dementia, disrupted immune system, genetic damage, cell death, cancers, deactivated essential enzymes and lower life span.  Read More.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Deepak Chopra's Eye Exercises

 Deepak Chopra's Eye Exercises

These eye exercises are taken from Dr. Chopra's audio tape set Magical Mind. Magical Body.  Research shows that what we take in through our sight profoundly influences our physiology, i.e. heart rate, blood pressure, hormones, etc. Enhanced sensory perception can result in improvement in memory, creativity, attention span, and learning ability. The following procedures are designed to improve vision, the sense of color perception and access different information in consciousness.

Do everyday for 5 to 6 minutes.

Never go to a point of strain or fatigue.

Rest for 10 seconds in between exercises by closing eyes.

Do with corrective lenses removed.  Read More.

Apple Cider Vinegar, the Wonder 'Drug' of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

 Apple Cider Vinegar, the Wonder 'Drug' of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

from: - a wonderful place to buy apple cider vinegar and books about apple cider vinegar.

Sarah-Kate Lynch of the New Zealand Herald wrote about Dr. Patricia Bragg:
"I've never had a coke, never had a beer or vodka, and these," says American health crusader, Dr. Patricia Bragg, thrusting her fingers towards me, "are virgin nails, all 10 of them. I have never worn nail polish. I don't need a girdle and I don't need a bra."

I've come to visit this eccentric, bright 5-foot nutritionist …. to see what she has to say that has millions of Americans following her advice. She's the author of 22 books, one which promotes three glasses daily of 1 to 2 teaspoons equally of raw, organic apple cider vinegar and raw honey in a glass of distilled water to keep old age at bay. (Over 5 million copies sold.) "I specialize in longevity," she tells me, and practicing what she preaches certainly seems to have worked for her; although it's hard to tell exactly how well because her age is a secret. She demonstrates how limber she is and shows me how she used to dance with Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly and Arthur Murray; all of whom she advised on how to stay healthy and fit. She says that good posture equals instant youthfulness! I realize that no matter what age, this tiny, colorful powerhouse has more energy than 100,000 slobs put together.  Read More.

How to Rebuild Your Lungs

 How to Rebuild Your Lungs

Before you force yourself to blindly do more exercise - for whatever benefits you think it will have - read what I'm going to tell you today about Dr. Irving Dardik's discoveries. He was the first Chairman of the U.S. Olympic Committee's Sports Medicine Council. And the exercise techniques he developed can actually reverse chronic diseases as diverse as Parkinson's, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and arthritis.

The story begins with the death of Dr. Dardik's friend Jack Kelly (brother of Grace Kelly). He was an Olympic oarsman and the President of the U.S. Olympic Committee. One morning, he went out for his usual run ... and then dropped dead of sudden heart failure.  Read More.

When Hunger Strikes and You Have Eaten Your Calorie Allotment

 When Hunger Strikes and You Have Eaten Your Calorie Allotment

(The Best Years in Life) When hunger strikes and you have eaten your diet’s recommended calorie allotment, what can you do? First, determine if you truly are feeling hunger, or if you are facing an emotional eating trigger. If you hear your stomach rumbling, there are many ways to assuage your hunger cravings.   Read More.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Natural Help for Overactive Bladder

 Natural Help for Overactive Bladder
by Tony Isaacs

(The Best Years in LifeOveractive bladder, or urinary incontinence, is one of the most common chronic conditions in the US. People of all ages and genders are susceptible to overactive bladder, though the condition is seen most often in women. It is difficult to get an exact number of how many people experience overactive bladder because many cases go unreported - probably due to understandable but needless embarrassment. The good news is that relief from overactive bladder may be found in simple exercises, dietary and lifestyle changes and items found in nature's fields and meadows.
Needing to urinate more often than normal and leaking urine are common symptoms of overactive bladder. Changes associated with age are not necessarily the cause. In fact, experts don't know what usually causes these involuntary contractions of the bladder. Drug side effects, as well as urinary tract infections, impaired kidney function, diabetes, bladder stones, and tumors have all been linked to the condition. Thus, it would be a good idea to begin addressing overactive bladder by first seeing a qualified medical professional to rule out such possible culprits.  Read More.

The Health and Healing Benefits of Raw Honey

The Health and Healing Benefits of Raw Honey
by Luella May

(The Best Years in Life) When we look at the word "raw", we associated it with the preservation of important vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Just as raw vegetables are preferable because of their nutritional content, the same is true of honey. Raw honey is honey that has not been heated, pasteurized or processed in any way. The differences between raw and pasteurized honey are substantial. Raw honey is an alkaline-forming food that contains natural vitamins, enzymes, powerful antioxidants, and other important natural nutrients. These are the very nutrients that are destroyed during the heating and pasteurization process. In fact, pasteurized honey is equivalent to and just as unhealthy as eating refined sugar.

Raw honey has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. It promotes body and digestive health, is a powerful antioxidant, strengthens the immune system, eliminates allergies, and is an excellent remedy for skin wounds and all types of infections. Raw honey's benefits don't stop here.  
Read More.

Drugs, the Illegality of Healing and Pharmageddon

 Drugs, the Illegality of Healing and Pharmageddon

(The Best Years in Life To most of us, the word "drug" conjures varied, if not diametrically opposed images and connotations. On the one hand, "drugs" are illegal substances, associated with addiction, bodily harm, crime, and other unpleasant experiences. These drugs include cocaine, amphetamine, marijuana and heroin, and are generally not considered to have medicinal effects.

On the other hand, prescribed or over the counter "drugs" are associated with treating or preventing disease, regulated by the FDA and administered legally to the public in carefully meted doses by doctors. No matter which way you slice it, Americans have the most voracious appetite for drugs on the planet, consuming approximately 700 billion dollars worth of prescribed, over-the-counter and illegal drugs, annually.

The distinction between these two meanings of the word drug may hold hard and fast from the perspective of politics, the law, media imaging and ordinary parlance, but not necessarily from the perspective of biology and pharmacology. Take amphetamine, for instance. Although amphetamine is one of the most addictive and metabolically poisonous drugs found on the street today and responsible for thousands of deaths a year, it is approved by the FDA for the treatment of attention deficit disorder, weight loss, depression and narcolepsy in branded forms such as Adderall, Ritalin and Dexedrine.  Read More.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Yesterday's Show with Ben Taylor

Podcast is up for yesterday's show.  Ben Taylor talked about our health freedoms and his personal interactions with the "Powers That Be" for the last ten years.  An interview with valuable information and well worth listening to.  To listen to the podcast, go to:

Be sure to visit our website today - it's never too late to begin living longer, healthier and happier lives!

Two studies about marijuana cancer benefits you probably never read about

Two studies about marijuana cancer benefits you probably never read about
by Tony Isaacs

(The Best Years in LifeIn February 2000 researchers in Madrid announced they had destroyed incurable brain tumors in rats by injecting them with THC, the active ingredient in cannabis. The study was later published in the journal Nature Cancer Review. Chances are that you have never heard of this study, the same as you likely never heard of a previous similar study because there has been a virtual news blackout as well as a concerted government effort to suppress such stories and studies for over thirty years.

The study by Manuel Guzman of Madrid Spain found that cannabinoids, the active components of marijuana, inhibited tumor growth in laboratory animals by modulating key cell-signaling pathways and thus causing direct growth arrest and death of tumor cells.  The study also found that cannabinoids inhibited angiogenesis and that cannabinoids were usually well tolerated and did not produce the generalized toxic effects of conventional chemotherapies.  Read More. 

Garlic and Kale Soup


This recipe is so good it is a featured "Editor's Pick" at Vegetarian Times! The brothy soup provides heart-healthful nutrition on many levels: kale and garlic are good for the cardiovascular system; wheat berries are high in fiber; and shiitake mushrooms contain eritadenine, an amino acid that speeds up processing of cholesterol in the liver. Once the wheat berries have been presoaked, the soup can be ready in under an hour.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:

Naturally restore and maintain your vitally important liver

 Naturally restore and maintain your vitally important liver
by Tony Isaacs

(The Best Years in Life) When it comes to maintaining good health, as well as fighting and warding off disease and illness, no organ is more important to us than the liver - the body's toxic disposal plant. A healthy diet is essential for good liver health and there are also several specific natural food and supplement items which can help maintain and restore the liver to optimum natural function.

The liver is the largest organ in the body and is by far the primary way we eliminate dangerous toxins and other waste items, which are normally processed and eliminated via the bile ducts. The liver also helps process nutrients and stores vitamins and minerals.

When the liver or bile ducts become clogged, injured or otherwise impaired, some toxins can end up being stored in the liver while others are re-circulated in the blood stream. In addition, when toxins cannot be efficiently eliminated via the liver and bile ducts, the body tries to eliminate some of them through secondary routes, such as the skin. Skin rashes, spots and other skin problems are common in those whose livers are impaired.  Read More.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Three home remedies that eliminate gout, arthritis and fibromyalgia pain FAST

Three home remedies that eliminate gout, arthritis and fibromyalgia pain FAST

by JB Bardot

(The Best Years in Life) Anyone experiencing the pain of an acute gout or rheumatoid arthritis attack would sell their soul to get fast relief from the agony. Most drugs take time to build up in the system before relief occurs; and, many of those same drugs cause unacceptable side effects. What if you could make a drink, that in the matter of just a few minutes, would help the pain subside to tolerable levels or relieve it entirely? Sounds too good to be true? Well, it's not. 

The underlying cause of arthritis, gout and fibrmyalgia is an imbalance in the system causing acidosis, which is the basis of most physical disease. In simple terms, this means your pH is out of balance and your body is trying to get back into balance in any way it can. Even in autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, imbalance is at the root of its cause. The body's attempt to regain stasis is what causes arthritis, high uric acid, muscle spasms and a host of other problems. The solution is to help the body's pH return to normal by consuming alkalizing foods.   Read More.

Latest in breast cancer treatment and prevention - Vitamin D

Latest in breast cancer treatment and prevention - Vitamin D
(The Best Years in Life) For some women, the only thing scarier than having breast cancer is the prospect of being treated for cancer with conventional medicine. In a country dominated by the American Medical Association (AMA), women are urged to turn their bodies over to the horror of breast cancer treatment. It starts with dangerous, painful and breast-flattening mammograms; then proceeds to the cutting - until there is nothing left, in some cases, besides a gaping hole. Breast cancer patients are then subjected to the sickening onslaught of radiation and deadly chemotherapy, which doesn't heal cancer or prevent its reoccurrence.

There is hope, however, for women seeking alternative treatments. As new research in cancer treatments becomes available, the latest in breast cancer prevention with vitamin D therapy and other natural modalities provides women with more life-affirming treatment choices. Read More.

Very Vegetable Minestrone with Barley and Beans


A soup or stew can hold a variety of colorful vegetables and is an easy way to add an extra serving or two every day. This hearty minestrone is packed with fiber-rich barley and beans, foods that can help prevent colon cancer. Onions, carrots, potatoes and cabbage are classic winter soup vegetables providing rich flavor and hearty goodness. Herbs infuse the soup with a classic Italian taste and help keep the sodium lower than canned alternatives.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:

What are Pain and Inflammation, and Why is it Important That We Learn About This?

 What are Pain and Inflammation, and Why is it Important That We Learn About This?
by Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS. DC, CCN, DACBN

(The Best Years in Life) Statistics show that inflammation is rampant in our society. How many people do you know that are dealing with some sort of a disease or condition that ends in “itis”? 

It could be arthritis, osteoarthritis or gastritis. Name any part of the body and put an “itis” at the end and that’s an inflammatory disease. 

Pain is really your body’s warning system. 

It is similar to the beeping of a fire alarm when it detects smoke. Your brain perceives irritation to the nerve endings, which are like little antennas that peek in on various parts of your body and check to see if everything is okay. If there’s a problem, they beep that message back to the brain and the brain perceives it as pain. 

Unfortunately, the way that we tend to deal with pain in the Western medicine world is to suppress it. If you have pain, you get a painkilling or anti-inflammatory medication. What that does is it disconnects your brain from the source of trouble.  Read More.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How to Build Natural Immunity against the Swine Flu

How to Build Natural Immunity against the Swine Flu

(The Best Years in Life) There are many natural remedies that will raise your immunity to the Swine Flu and other viral and bacterial diseases. Many people do not have immunity to the current strain of Swine Flu. This is not unusual, because most viruses alter as the virus season goes along. Most people will not become sick, because the issue is not the virus but SUSCEPTIBILITY.  Read More.

How You Sleep Determines Whether You are Healthy or Not

How You Sleep Determines Whether You are Healthy or Not

(The Best Years in Life) Americans don't get enough sleep to stay healthy! Only about one in four gets a full 8 hours of sleep. Yet research shows that a person's sleep amount is a great predictor of outcome. Humans with shorter sleep times have been shown to be more susceptible to viruses, bacterial infections, obesity and cancer.  Read More.

Green Mashed Potatoes

St. Patrick's Day Treat

Instead of using green food coloring to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, try using healthier and safer food which is already green, thus making the whole process easier and more natural. This unique side dish has all the goodness of potatoes, including vitamin C and potassium, plus the added nutrients of fresh spinach and scallions.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:

Monday, February 18, 2013

Stress and Depression

  Stress and Depression
by Jon Barron

(The Best Years in Life) For years, stress and/or depression have been suspected of increasing the risk of contracting numerous infectious diseases. In addition, there is mounting statistical evidence that increased levels of stress and depression also correlate with an increased incidence of cancer. And finally, there is strong statistical evidence linking stress and depression with death itself.


Stress is your body's response to all of the demands made upon it. Your body responds to all stresses, both positive and negative, by trying to get back to normal.
  • 43% of all adults suffer adverse health effects due to stress.
  • 75-90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related complaints or disorders.  Read More.

Fresh Tomatillo-Jalapeno Salsa


Here is a healthy and simple salsa recipe with the goodness of tomatillos, garlic, onion, and cilantro and the goodness and kick of jalapenos.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:

Sunday, February 17, 2013

500 Reasons Turmeric May Be The World's Most Important Herb

500 Reasons Turmeric May Be The World's Most Important Herb

(The Best Years in Life There is a medicinal spice so timelessly interwoven with the origins of human culture and metabolism, so thoroughly supported by modern scientific inquiry, as to be unparalleled in its proven value to human health and well-being.

Indeed, turmeric turns the entire drug-based medical model on its head. Instead of causing more side effects than therapeutic ones – which you can read any drug insert to see is a universally true phenomenon and which ensures the infinite expansion of the pharmaceutical market and all the associated medical services – it has several hundred potential side benefits. Read More.

See also: