Friday, May 31, 2013

Dairy and Gluten Free Dark Chocolate Cups


Okay...these definitely got our attention! Wouldn't they look scrumptious filled with fresh fruits? What other healthy foods could be used as fillers?

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

Summer Breathing Exercises to Keep You Cool, Energized and Free from Allergy Attack

 Summer Breathing Exercises to Keep You Cool, Energized and Free from Allergy Attack

(The Best Years in Life) Summertime is many people's favorite time of the year, but for some people summer means overheating, exhaustion from outdoor work projects and trying to keep up with the kids, and asthma and allergy attacks. Take control this summer with one simple change: change the way you breathe. From stimulating breaths when you need a pick up to cooling breaths when you need to cool down, you can control much of your summer experience with breathing exercises. Research even shows that people can reduce their dependence on asthma inhalers and allergy meds with Buteyko breathing, a simple and counterintutitive breathing style that could give you fewer attacks as well as more energy and less anxiety.  Read More.

The Myth of Curing Cancer Solely With an Alkaline pH

The Myth of Curing Cancer Solely With an Alkaline pH
by Tony Isaacs

(The Best Years in Life) I have seen many internet posts and articles which say that cancer can be cured, perhaps in a little as 4 days, if a person simply reaches and maintains a body pH of 8.0. Often such reports cite "Ted from Bankok" as their source. Quite often, one finds this claim on internet sites which are selling or promoting alkalizing products, books or test kits which measure the pH of either urine or saliva.

Though widely promoted, the fact is that there has never been a single study which has shown that an alkaline pH of any level can cure cancer. And, despite a few anecdotal reports, I have never seen a serious case of cancer completely cured in just 4 days. Frankly, I am highly skeptical that any significant cancer could be beaten in such a short time, whether by an alkaline pH or any other method.  Read More

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Other Dangers of GMO 'Frankenfish' Salmon

 FDA Ignores Skeletal Malformations, Other Dangers of GMO 'Frankenfish' Salmon

by Tony Isaacs
(The Best Years in Life) At hearings on the GMO salmon many are referring to as “Frankenfish, the FDA noted evidence of abnormalities that had been detected in the fish, including "“increased frequency of skeletal malformations, increased prevalence of jaw erosions and multi-systemic inflammation”. While such findings would seem to be cause for alarm, the FDA instead dismissed the abnormalities as being “within the range observed in rapid growth phenotypes of non-genetically engineered Atlantic salmon.”

In other words, the abnormalities that were found in GMO salmon were consistent with those found in farmed salmon which had been genetically manipulated for accelerated growth through other means. Does comparing GMO salmon to factory farmed fish instead of salmon found in their natural environment mean that GMO salmon are safe or is it more an indictment of other factory farmed fish? The logic the FDA used is reminiscent of the studies that found MSG was safe because its side effects were not significantly worse than a control substance it was compared against. The control substance: Aspartame.  Read More.

12 Ways to Have a Vital and Healthy Heart

12 Ways to Have a Vital and Healthy Heart

by Tony Isaacs
See more Health Secrets articles by Tony Isaacs

(Health Secrets) Do you have a healthy heart? The heart is the most important and most active muscle in the body, and keeping that muscle strong and fit can help you have a longer life. In addition to the benefits of exercise and diet for a healthy heart, there are several nutritional items which can have great benefits for the heart.

Here are 12 of the best for a healthy heart: Read More.

Natural Help for Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Natural Help for Separation Anxiety in Dogs

by Luella May
See more Health Secrets articles by Luella May

(Health Secrets) Separation anxiety in dogs? Just about anyone who has ever had a dog can tell you that they have their own distinct personalities. Dogs have emotions as well as their own individual fears and anxieties, the same as humans do. Is it any wonder then that we tend to humanize them? One of the most common and most difficult anxieties for dogs is separation anxiety. Separation anxiety in dogs is the second most common reason that most dogs are given up or euthanized. Sadly, far too many dog owners do not understand the condition and do not know how to address their dog’s individual fears and help them overcome their anxiety at being separated. Read More.

See other articles and features about dogs and other pets and animals HERE.

Health Benefits of Saffron Worth Their Weight in Gold

Health Benefits of Saffron Worth Their Weight in Gold

(Health Secrets) The health benefits of saffron are legendary. Saffron is a reddish-golden colored spice derived from the styles and stigmas of the flower of the saffron crocus (Crocus sativus). Used primarily as a seasoning agent, the health benefits of saffron make it one of nature’s most powerful herbs. Read More.

Chia Pudding


Chia pudding is so delicious as well as amazingly healthy. It is easy to make, just a few ingredients, a little soaking and your creativity.  Use this basic recipe or else your own imagination and almost any fruit, nuts and your imagination.  Your whole family will love this lactose and gluten free dessert!

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

Yesterday's Interview with Dr. Ken O'Neal on The Best Years in Life Radio

The podcast is available for yesterday's interview with Dr. Ken O'Neal.  The topic of discussion was Alzheimer's and contained valuable information for those with elderly loved ones, and actually everyone, as prevention is key.  To listen to yesterday's and all our past podcasts, please visit:

My personal segment was about soy - why the only soy that we should ever consume is fermented non-GMO soy.

Be sure to visit our website today - it's never too late to begin living longer, healthier and happier lives!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How to Get the Most Out of Your Salad

How to Get the Most Out of Your Salad
by Barbara Minton

(The Best Years in Life) When it's time for lunch, one of the best overall bargains is a salad, whether it comes from a salad bar or is made at home. But not all salads offer good nutritional value. The ingredients chosen will determine whether the salad is an energy booster bursting with nutrition to help you sail through the afternoon, or one that deadens cellular energy and provides very little nutritional value for the money spent.
Salads that offer the most nutrition are made with a variety of fresh vegetables. Color is key, and those veggies with the bright, vibrant colors are trying to tell you something. The more colors you put on your plate, the more the salad can keep you looking and feeling great. This is because each veggie color reflects a different antioxidant that slows the aging process and wards off disease.  Read More.

The Best Cancer Fighting and Immune Boosting Food Choices for Beating and Avoiding Cancer

The Best Cancer Fighting and Immune Boosting Food Choices for Beating and Avoiding Cancer

 by Tony Isaacs

(The Best Years in Life) The right food choices can greatly increase the odds of beating cancer and nature offers a multitude of foods which have great cancer fighting and immune boosting properties. Here are some of the very best cancer fighting and immune boosting food superstars:  Read More.

Chicken Apple Lettuce Wraps


Here is a super tasty, super easy and healthy recipe (especially if you choose organic content). You and your dinner guests are sure to love the variety of flavors and textures. For the tastiest version, we suggest that you use roast or grilled chicken and that you grill or roast at lower temperatures.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Peppers Stuffed with Turkey and Wild Rice


Vivid vegetables don’t just add color to a dish; they also pack important phytochemicals. Green peppers are rich in lutein, red peppers are packed with beta-carotene and tomatoes provide lycopene. This recipe features a rainbow of healthy veggies and flavorful wild rice packed inside an edible pepper bowl. Ground turkey adds lean protein and onions and garlic lend flavor and cancer-fighting antioxidants.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

Confronting the Depopulation Agenda

Confronting the Depopulation Agenda

(The Best Years in LifeAn open secret of the New World Order (NWO) is the depopulation agenda. Some who know about NWO plans are either in denial about depopulation or have been duped into accepting the depopulation agenda as earth-saver.

I intend to shift the blame of earth's diminished resources and increased pollution away from the victims and toward the actual culprits, which include those who are pulling the depopulation effort strings from behind the curtain.  Read More.

Cultured Pineapple Papaya Chutney – a delicious digestive aid


Adding fermented foods to your diet has many health benefits, including making food more digestible, increasing vitamin and enzyme content of the food and increasing good bacteria in your digestive tract. They are very easy to prepare at home. An easy and delicious way to get fermented foods is by making this pineapple papaya chutney recipe, which is an adaptation of recipes in Nourishing Traditions.

Pineapple and papaya are delicious tropical fruits. Pineapple is rich in manganese, fiber, vitamin C and B vitamins. Papaya is rich in carotenoids, vitamin C, potassium and phosphorus. Both fruits contain powerful digestive enzymes. Bromelain (in pineapple) and papain (in papaya) are very helpful in breaking down protein. Many people know that you should not put pineapple in gelatin molds. Ever wonder why? Pineapple actually breaks down the gelatin protein which causes the gel effect to fail. Papain is often used commercially as a meat tenderizer. Both fruits are terrific accompaniments to any protein to help with digestion.

These enzymes make this dish a wonderful condiment to pair with any meat dish. It also makes a wonderful salsa with chips or a Mexican meal.
For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

Defective Genes "Cause" Less Than 1% Of All Disease

 Defective Genes "Cause" Less Than 1% Of All Disease

(The Best Years in LifeIn the mainstream media (and the popular consciousness programmed to consume it) defective genes are spoken about as if they were "disease time bombs," fatalistically programmed to go off inside of us, thanks to flawed genetic contributions of our ancestors. And yet, despite common misconceptions, monogenic diseases, or diseases that result from errors in the nucleotide sequence of a single gene are exceedingly rare.  In fact, less than 1% of all diseases fall within this category...

Following the completion of the Human Genome Project (HGP) in 2003 it is no longer accurate to say that our genes "cause" disease, any more than it is accurate to say that DNA is sufficient to account for all the proteins in our body. Despite initial expectations, the HGP revealed that there are only 20,000-25,000 genes in human DNA (genome), rather than the 100,000 + believed necessary to encode the 100,000 + proteins found in the human body (proteome).  Read More.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Garden Vegetable Pasta Salad with Parmesan Dill Dressing


Fresh garden veggies are key to a delicious, cold pasta salad. Make a beautiful garden vegetables pasta salad and dressing with green veggies and homemade parmesan dill dressing.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

Natural Summer Survival

 Natural Summer Survival

(The Best Years in Life) Stock up on herbs and natural products to help you survive the summer. Summertime brings a welcome change that boosts the mood, gives you longer days, and for many means summer vacations. But summer can also bring dehydration, heat stroke, and sunburns if you aren't careful. Beat the heat and save your skin by creating a summer survival kit with all-natural ingredients.  Read More.

Use Natural Remedies and a Strong Immune System to Beat Ear Aches

Use Natural Remedies and a Strong Immune System to Beat Ear Aches
by Luella  May

(The Best Years in Life) Earaches are a very common and painful medical problem. Although mostly children are affected, adults also suffer from this condition. Earaches result when the inner or outer ear becomes infected, inflammed and swollen. There are different causes for ear infections and the standard treatment is addressing them with antibiotics. However, antibiotics come with side effects and relying on these types of medicines can actually result in repeated and chronic ear infections. The best way to treat ear infections is naturally by using natural antibiotics, eating a healthy diet, and strengthening the immune system.  Read More.

Mainstream vaccination support: another chapter in an old story

 Mainstream vaccination support: another chapter in an old story
  Written and compiled by Tony Isaacs

Despite a mounting and impressive body of evidence of the dangers and harm associated with vaccinations coming from both within and outside the mainstream medical community, much of mainstream medicine and the agencies that serve it continue to maintain that vaccinations are not only safe, but that we face grave dangers if we don't vaccinate ourselves, our children and our elderly - and do so often.

The continued denials and the push for more vaccinations, including going as far as requiring mandatory vaccinations of young school girls based on disputable evidence, is nothing new.  Sadly, it is just another in a series of less than praiseworthy chapters that have marked how mainstream medicine has allowed advertising and hype to mislead and failed to serve those entrusted to its care. Whether it be a physically or psychologically addictive drug, a drug we have been psychologically coerced into taking, or one we have even been legally compelled to take, mainstream medicine has followed the money at the expense of our health.  Read More.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Eat Lots of Blueberries - But Not with Milk

 Eat Lots of Blueberries - But Not with Milk

(The Best Years in Life) Looking for antioxidants? Go no further than the nearest bowl of blueberries. These tiny low calorie fruits are anti-aging superstars packed with flavor and sweetness. They have single-handedly brought many people back from disease and kept them looking and feeling young. There is just one thing you need to remember. Blueberries lose their power when eaten with milk.  Read More.

When Hunger Strikes and You Have Eaten Your Diet’s Recommended Calorie Allotment

 When Hunger Strikes and You Have Eaten Your Diet’s Recommended Calorie Allotment

(The Best Years in Life) When hunger strikes and you have eaten your diet’s recommended calorie allotment, what can you do? First, determine if you truly are feeling hunger, or if you are facing an emotional eating trigger. If you hear your stomach rumbling, there are many ways to assuage your hunger cravings. Read More.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Enjoy a Healthier and Safer Memorial Day Weekend

Enjoy a Healthier and Safer Memorial Day Weekend
by Tony Isaacs

(The Best Years in Life) It's Memorial Day Weekend, which means a lot of fun in the sun and the outdoors for many of us. It also is the first big weekend for grilling for many of us. All that sunshine and outdoors can come with a few pitfalls, such as sunburn, troublesome insects and poisonous plants - not to mention the typical holiday grilled and other foods that are often less than healthy. Here are some timely articles and recipes that may help you enjoy a safer and healthier weekend:  Read More.

A Good Cancer-Fighting Foundation Will Ensure Victory Over Cancer

 A Good Cancer-Fighting Foundation Will Ensure Victory Over Cancer
by Tony Isaacs
(The Best Years in Life) Cancer can be beaten the very large majority of the time - though not with mainstream treatments that target just the symptoms of cancer. Beating cancer means not only eliminating existing cancer cells, but also eliminating the root causes which enabled cancer to gain a foothold to begin with.

Simply put, cancer is a cellular defensive response where cells revert to a more primitive form of producing energy without oxygen and mutate into cancer cells which replicate and refuse to die. Most often, exposure to toxins causes cells to turn cancerous - especially cells which have not been properly nourished, cleansed, hydrated and oxygenated.  Read More.

Spinach & Artichoke Stuffed Sole with Apple and Carrot Slaw


This wonderful recipe is a new one from It features the healthy cold water fish "sole" which is high in omega 3, low in pollutants, and very high in taste. Plus artichokes and a healthy side salad of orange juice and olive oil dressed apple and carrot slaw. The fish is wrapped around a delicious nut-free pesto and then cooked with a dollop of ghee for a delicious meal that is much more simple to make than it appears.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Low Carb Craziness: Part 3

 Low Carb Craziness: Part 3
by Jon Barron

(The Best Years in LifeIn this installment we're going to focus on that mysterious miracle grain, but before we do, let's review quickly.
Cutting refined carbs and minimizing high glycemic grains and starchy vegetables from your diet makes all the sense in the world. Replacing those foods with large amounts of meat and dairy and artificial sweeteners does not - particularly since you can get all of the benefits associated with these diets without the negative side effects.

And how did we get lost in such craziness? Quite simply, we were once again seduced by our love of broad stroke generalizations.

    • Generalization: Fat is bad. Specific: That's wrong! It misses the distinction between good (essential) fats and bad fats.
    • Generalization: Saturated fat is bad. Specific: Wrong again! The right kind of saturated fat is essential. Coconut oil, one of the most saturated fats in existence, is one of the healthiest fats you can eat.
    • Generalization: Carbohydrates are bad. Specific: Strike three! There are good carbs and bad carbs and, in fact, some carbs are just plain essential. (By the way, kudos to Dr. Mercola, who avoids this trap by calling his diet the No Grain Diet. But as it turns out, even that statement, as specific as it first seems, is still too much of a generalization and misses the mark!)  Read More.

7 Ways to Have Younger Looking Skin

 7 Ways to Have Younger Looking Skin
by Loretta Lanphier, NP, CN, HHP, CH

(The Best Years in Life) Summer is (almost) here, and with it comes an increased exposure to the sun for most of us. Despite the bad reputation being out in the sun has developed in recent years, when done properly it can be wonderful for your health. If you stay out of the sun during peak hours (generally 10am-4pm), and if you use safe and effective sunscreen, sunshine is the best source of vitamin D available. Vitamin D is a powerful nutrient that has many health benefits, including improving and protecting your skin and supporting your immune system so that your own body can keep itself well.  Read More.

Defective Genes "Cause" Less Than 1% Of All Disease

 Defective Genes "Cause" Less Than 1% Of All Disease

(The Best Years in LifeIn the mainstream media (and the popular consciousness programmed to consume it) defective genes are spoken about as if they were "disease time bombs," fatalistically programmed to go off inside of us, thanks to flawed genetic contributions of our ancestors. And yet, despite common misconceptions, monogenic diseases, or diseases that result from errors in the nucleotide sequence of a single gene are exceedingly rare.  In fact, less than 1% of all diseases fall within this category... Read More.

Greek Pasta Salad

Taste the Mediterranean with this flavorful Greek Pasta Salad recipe. Another great cold pasta recipe (modified slightly to make it even healthier) from Grit Magazine online.
For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit: 



Beating Cancer - Wellness is at Hand

 Beating Cancer - Wellness is at Hand
by Carolyn Dean MD ND

(The Best Years in LifeIn blog, First Do No Harm, I said I’d write about cancer prevention and treatment. When I was in private practice in the 1980’s cancer was rare. At least it was rare in my practice. Now, it seems epidemic. Why is that?

If cancer were just from excess synthetic estrogen or chemicals or lack of nutrients, why doesn’t every person exposed get cancer? I personally think it’s because there is also a stressful trigger to cancer. I’ve learned a lot about this from Total Biology and German New Medicine.  Read More.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Anti-Vaccination Information

 Anti-Vaccination Information

(The Best Years in Life) Have you ever been confronted by a vaccine-advocate who used the "polio was wiped out by vaccines" argument? If you argue against that, you'll likely be considered foolish, unless of course you back your opinions with hard facts.

Bolster your arguments with the facts regarding polio and vaccines addressed here. You can use the words of medical professionals themselves with some quotes from doctors, medical researchers and holistic practitioners, on this site.  Read More.

5 Ways to Boost Your Sex Drive Naturally

 5 Ways to Boost Your Sex Drive Naturally
by Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS. DC, CCN, DACBN

(The Best Years in LifeA woman I met on a recent airplane flight told me that her gynecologist mentioned to her that all of her patients over 40 complained of lack of sex drive. The doctor said loss of sex drive was the most common complaint she heard a daily basis and she had no solutions to offer.
Causes of diminished sex drive include anemia, depression, alcohol, certain medications, hormone imbalances, in particular low testosterone, thyroid and estrogen, stress and adrenal exhaustion and relationship problems.
Fortunately, there are natural ways to improve your sex drive.  Read More.

Zesty California Guacamole


From the California Avocado Commission comes another great recipe for guacamole with all the tasty and healthy ingredients avocado and guacamole lovers are sure to love.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

Friday, May 17, 2013

Southwestern Cold Pasta Salad


Bring a little Southwestern flair to the table with fresh, sweet corn and picante sauce in this colorful, healthy and tasty Southwestern Pasta Salad recipe.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

What You Need to Know to Achieve Hormonal Balance

What You Need to Know to Achieve Hormonal Balance

(The Best Years in Life) Many women are so confused and frightened about their hormones they have decided to forget about them. This reaction is not surprising because almost daily there is a new scare headline about how hormones causes cancer or some other terrible condition. Women who were once told they could regain their health and lost sexuality by supporting their hormones are now being warned against it. All this confusion is a shame. As a result of it, women are losing out on feeling great during the best years of their lives.

When it comes to hormones, names mean very little

To understand hormone support and replacement requires the patience to look beyond the name. This is because hormones produced naturally by the body, hormone substitution drugs, natural plant hormones, and bioidentical hormones are all called hormones. Adding to this confusion, the names of the steroid hormones naturally produced by the body (estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone) have become generic terms. These terms are used freely and without regulation to describe the hormones produced by the body, hormone substitution drugs, natural plant hormones, and bioidentical hormones.

To further confuse matters, all hormone therapy, whether it involves hormone drug products, natural hormones or bioidentical hormones is referred to as HRT in most publications. Few physicians, journalists, and even researchers bother to make the distinction as to whether they are talking about hormone drug products, natural hormones or bioidentical hormones.  Read More.

Gluten and Meat Free Southwestern Quinoa Black Bean Casserole

This healthy and delicious gluten and meat free casserole features quinoa and black beans along with several other healthy items such as garlic, onions, jalapeno peppers, cayenne, cumin and more.  It is also as colorful as it is tasty and is sure to be a hit with traditional casserole lovers as well as those who like vegan and/or gluten free dishes.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit: 


Nutrasweet Linked to Leukemia and Lymphoma

 Nutrasweet Linked to Leukemia and Lymphoma

(The Best Years in Life) Research has shown a connection between lymphoma, leukemia, and aspartame as far back as 2005. The FDA approved this synthetic sweetener for use in 1981. Currently used in over six thousand products, aspartame is sold under many different brand names, including NutraSweet, Equal Measure, and Spoonful. It can be found in soda, desserts, yogurt, and even in chewable vitamins.  Read More.

Mainstream Studies on Natural Health Flawed

 Mainstream Studies on Natural Health Flawed
by Tony Isaacs

(The Best Years in Life) Headlines from an Oregon State University study asserted "Vitamin E trials 'fatally flawed" and the following story detailed how most studies on Vitamin E have been flawed to the point of being essentially worthless. Here are some excerpts:
CORVALLIS, Ore. – Generations of studies on vitamin E may be largely meaningless, scientists say, because new research has demonstrated that the levels of this micronutrient necessary to reduce oxidative stress are far higher than those that have been commonly used in clinical trials.
In a new study and commentary in Free Radical Biology and Medicine, researchers concluded that the levels of vitamin E necessary to reduce oxidative stress are four to eight times higher than those used in almost all past clinical trials.