Would you wash your tub, or toilet with your perfume or antiperspirant? If not, read on. The same chemicals that are used in your cleaning supplies, you are putting on your body. These chemicals are not good for you or your children. Think about the word “Chemicals”. It’s a common word heard everyday. It is so common that you might not even be thinking about what chemicals can do to the body, because how generic the word is. What if I changed the word chemical to Triclosan or Phthalates? Either you would run to your dictionary, or you would ignore those words. Triclosan and Phthalates are foreign words. These chemicals, along with many others are in the ingredients in makeup, cleaning supplies, toothpaste, and other non natural items that may be in your home. How about you be the judge of what you want to use in your home. Let’s talk a little bit about Triclosan, and Phthalates.
Some consumer products Triclosan is used in is toothpaste, pesticides, pet medicines, and the water you drink. It is consumed by the human body. Just as fast as it enters the body, it exits the body. It has been found in breast milk. It causes irritability in rats if inhaled. It is less toxic when taken by mouth, or absorbed through the skin, and more toxic when inhaled, which was proven by using animals. It has been proven to be a skin irritant to humans. It is known to impair a muscle cells ability to contract, weaken the heart and grip strength in mice, and have slowed down swimming in fathead minnows. In Australia it is listed as a hazardous substance. .
If you have plastic in your home you have phthalates. Do you know that shower curtain smell is caused by Phthalates? Recently, Phthalates have been put on a list of chemicals that are a risk by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Phthalates affect the male sexual organs, which also includes low sperm count.An Epidemiologist, DR. Shanna Swan, at the University of Rochester medical school studied Phthalates in pregnant woman. She found woman with a higher level of Phthalates had boys that had greater problems. Phthalates are used to soften plastic and Vinyl. Polyvinyl Chloride is softened by Phthalates. They are found in your cosmetics, personal care products, flexible plastic, vinyl toys, food packaging, plastic wrap, and the list goes on.
The above facts are just a paragraph of thousands of words about these chemicals. My job is to educate you briefly on chemicals in the home. I help people to create a healthier and safer home environment. I don’t believe we can cut every chemical out of our lives, but I do believe we can make a difference in our home. `There are proven links between chemicals in our home, and our health. If you would like a better tomorrow for your family join me in a “How to Go Green” online seminar.
Toxic to Green is about the important things. Its from having a healthy home, and environment to having a healthy body.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Why Does Mainstream Medicine Attack Colloidal Silver?
Why Does Mainstream Medicine Attack Colloidal Silver?
by Tony Isaacs
Prior to the advent of patentable and more profitable antibiotics, medicines containing silver were the most widely prescribed infection fighters by doctors and there were no fewer than 34 different approved prescription and over the counter medications which contained silver. Now, after the elimination of most large particle and silver nitrate products and after improved technology has made nano-sized particles that require far less parts per million, colloidal silver proponents claim that it is safer and more effective than ever. At the same time, however, it has become the subject of increasing attacks by mainstream medicine, which labels colloidal silver as a scam, as quackery and as a dangerous substance with no proven value.
To read the rest of the article, click Here.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Pan Seared Fennel and Orange Salad

Try something new this week by adding warm seared fennel to your cool side salad. The fennel bulb is used in this recipe; It's a little sweeter than celery, has half the sodium and and is a better source of Vitamin C, fiber, and cancer -fighting phytochemicals. Mix with baby greens and a sweet orange dressing for a healthy combination. Having a salad with or before your meal is a great way to add variety without a lot of extra calories.
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