Toxic to Green is about the important things. Its from having a healthy home, and environment to having a healthy body.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Enjoy a Healthier and Safer Labor Day Weekend
It's Labor Day Weekend, which means a lot of fun in the sun and the outdoors for many of us. It also is the last big weekend for grilling for many of us. All that sunshine and outdoors can come with a few pitfalls, such as sunburn, troublesome insects and poisonous plants - not to mention the typical holiday grilled and other foods that are often less than healthy. Here are some timely articles and recipes that may help you enjoy a safer and healthier weekend:
Enjoy Safer Grilling this Year with Rosemary and Cherries
Grilled Vegetables
5 Marinades for Grilled Vegetables
Burger in the Raw
Portobello Burgers
Curried Lentil, Rice and Carrot Burgers
Meatless Mushroom and Grain Cheeseburgers
Meatless Quinoa and Greens Burgers
Scrumptious All Vegan Split Pea Burgers
Beet, Rice and Goat Cheese Burgers
To see a world of other healthier recipes, click HERE.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
French Baked Beets (Plus Herbes de Provence)

Liven up your dinner table with a deep-hued dish of beets, baked French-style. Plus those vivid colors aren't just for show; the pigments are actually full of potent antioxidants. You may be surprised at how great these beets taste. With only 80 calories per serving this colorful dish makes an excellent addition to any meal. Rich in folate and potassium, beets are also a good source of fiber and offer a world of proven health benefits.
For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:
Swiss Style Muesli

Give your morning a healthy start with this Swiss version of oatmeal – muesli. This unique meal is served cold and made with whole grain oats, packed with fiber, and protein-rich yogurt. Raisins, cranberries and apples add cancer-fighting phytochemicals and rich flavor. Research has found that those who eat breakfast have a lower body fat than those who skip the morning meal. Weighing in at just 300 calories, one bowlful can help keep you feeling full all morning.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
My Mother, My Angel
In memory of my Mother, My Angel........... Happy Birthday Mom! You will always live in my heart.
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My Mother, My Angel
By Luella May
I remember when I was a little girl hearing stories of my grandmother. I never knew her but felt as though I did. I remember the first time that I saw her picture. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever set my eyes on. She was so beautiful, so feminine, so elegant, so poised.
My mother was so proud of her and loved her so much. She always called her mother her angel. She would tell me wonderful stories of when she was a little girl. How her mother took care of her, took her to church, to school, how she taught her how to do so many things. She told me of all the wonderful times they had together. She also told me of how her mother comforted her when she was sad. It seemed as though her mother was the most perfect lady that ever lived! I grew to love my grandmother so, although I had never had the opportunity to meet her. I grew to almost idolize this most perfect person that ever lived. She often recounted these lovely memories, which were the happiest days of my own mother's life. Then, when she was twelve years old, tragedy struck and my mother's life would never be quite as happy again.
When she was twelve years old, her mother took suddenly ill and died in a matter of days. Even at that young age she perceived that she died because of a doctor's negligence, although she never could tell me exactly what the illness was. My mother never got over her death. Not until the day that she, herself died. She would tell me in such detail as to how she watched as the sudden illness struck my grandmother and then how she watched her angel leave her side never to return again. Even as a little girl, I saw her grief and pain. I believe that is when I was introduced to compassion. Through her eyes, I felt the loss of her one true love. I felt as if I, myself, was there as she had lost her best friend, her comforter, her protector.
From that moment on, she lost the joy and hope that every child should have. Her life became full of sorrow. They say time heals all wounds. With my mom, a big scar grew over her wound. I don't think it really ever healed. Sometimes you would almost see the scar open a bit, as if to bleed a little, as I watched the sorrow in her eyes as she would recount the story every now and then.
She grew up, from the age of 12 through her college years without her best friend and role model, making the best of everything. She told me of her loneliness, how she couldn't make friends, she just didn't fit in. So she immersed herself in her school work and that became her life. My mother excelled in school. She graduated from the University of New Mexico, majoring in Math, suma cum laude, an incredible feat for a woman in that day and time.
As a little girl and while growing up, my mother was my heroine, as she excelled in everything she did. Yes, to me my mother was the most wonderful perfect lady in the world, and the most beautiful too. My mother became my best friend and I idolized her as she had once idolized her mother. Every Saturday would be a mother and daughter day. We always made it a point to do something together. We would go ice skating, we would go to the movies, she would take me to shows, in the spring and summer we would have wonderful picnics in the park, trips to the beach. Every Saturday was our own special day.
One day I grew up. I fell in love, married, and had my own little girl. My mother and I were no longer a pair. Our lives had separated and we both began a new chapter, a new relationship. I had my little girl now to take care of and to love, to start wonderful new traditions with. My parents grew older and retired to Florida, and the distance between my mother and me became so much the greater, but we had the telephone. On our special day, Saturday, I would always call her and we would talk. If anything wonderful happened, or anything sad happened, I would pick up the phone and call my mom. "Guess what happened?" This would be our relationship for the next thirty years. There were visits here and there, but there would always be a goodbye.
I loved my own little girl and whenever I had a difficult decision, I always thought, "What would mom have done?" And my decision was made. My little girl and I traveled life's paths, had our own wonderful times, our sad times, made our own traditions. And then something happened. My little girl grew up. She fell in love and got married. And now she has a little girl of her own. We now have the relationship of talking on the phone every week. If something good or something bad happens, we call each other, "Guess what happened?" and now my little girl builds memories with her little girl.
On October 20, 2001, my mother's and my paths joined again. It was the day that the love of her life, her partner, would leave her never to return again. I went to Florida to tie loose ends up and bring my mother home to live with me. We had fun again, my mother and me, my role model, my comforter, my protector, and my confidant. We went shopping, cooked together and talked. Oh how we talked! We talked about old times, when I was a little girl, her retirement years, and she told me the stories of her wonderful mother all over again. I got to know my mother all over again. My mother was my best friend again, to have around to do things with. These were four precious years. And one day she paid me the best compliment I have ever received from anyone in my entire life. One day she told me, "I haven't been this happy since my mother was alive." With that one statement I felt that I had succeeded in life. It gave me such great joy, and we went through the rest of our days, hand in hand. My love for her grew by leaps and bounds.
But little by little, the days got a little harder, a little sadder. First she needed me to hold her hand while walking, then she needed a cane, then a walker, and then we got a wheelchair. Her lungs and heart deteriorated slowly and she became dependent on oxygen for her very life. I became her caregiver. I cared for her, took her to the doctor, gave her the medicine she needed, watched old Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire movies with her and when she was afraid at night I would sit by her side until she fell asleep. I watched in love and sorrow, as I saw the mother-daughter roles change to me being the mother and my mother being my baby.
In March of this year my mother became very ill. I called an ambulance to take her to the hospital. She had pneumonia. After being in the hospital a couple of days, she started bleeding internally. She was too weak for surgery. The doctor said he would try to replace the blood in the hopes that she would stop bleeding. This was a long shot, just a mere hope. Each day went by, one by one, interminable days. The doctor said that he would give it one more day and would have to stop giving her blood. I was ready for the end. Then the most unbelievable thing happened! She stopped bleeding! I coaxed her to eat with hopes of coming home soon and she fell for the bait. She ate, after a month she got strong enough to be transferred to a nursing home facility. I thought that would be her home forever. I went to see her everyday and we made friends with the people there. I met Mr. Clyde who was in the room across the way. And I would tease them both, trying to hook them up together. When I would wheel mom to lunch I would call, "Mr. Clyde! Come on, there's an empty seat at our table!" I would embarrass her so and we had such fun with everyone. Then after 22 days, my dream came true, an unbelievable dream. My mom could come home. What a happy day! As we drove to the house and she sat at the table. I got the camera and said, "Mom let me take your picture." She looked up with her pale face so seriously and I said, "No Mom! You've got to smile!" And I posed her. I put her elbow on the table with her chin resting in her hand and I told her how to smile. And she did. It is such a beautiful picture. You can see the happiness in her eyes. You see the twinkle. My mom was put on hospice and nurses came in to take care of her. I cared for her in those last days, still spending time with her, still having fun. Now I was building sweet memories, because I knew my time was not long with her.
On July 29, 2005, our paths were to change again. That would be the day that, again, my mother would go to live a new life, and I would start a new path. We, once again, would no longer be a pair. My precious mother passed away. It was 10:15 in the morning. A massive heart attack took her. As I watched those final moments knowing that my mother was leaving me so quickly. I held her and told her how much I loved her. And then she was gone. I had watched my angel leave my side never to return again. My mother was a very beautiful woman and even in death she retained her beauty. I closed her eyes, kissed her, and covered her up to her neck and just sat next to her caressing her face. I caressed her face as the coroner arrived, and I caressed her face until the memorial home came to get her. As the SUV went down the road, I watched until it went out of sight. You see, because my mother was leaving for a very long trip and I would not see her in a long, long time.
Now, I tell my daughter about my mother, those cherished times, about when I was a little girl and how I cherished my mother, and I now call her my angel. Now I tell everybody about my mother, my angel, the most beautiful, feminine, elegant, poised lady in the entire world that ever lived. However, something very strange happens now and then. Something good or something bad happens, and I want to pick up the phone and call her and say, "Mom, guess what?" But I can't this time. Because I don't know the phone number.
So I treasure the time we had and our sweet memories knowing that once again we are separated. She is living her life and I am living mine until our paths cross again.
'Written With Love in My Heart'
Luella May©2005
About me: I am a natural health advocate and author who has partnered with Tony Isaacs in the Curezone "Ask Tony Isaacs" forum (be sure to stop by and visit us!) and in the growing "The Best Years in Life" website for baby boomer's and others wishing to live longer, healthier and happier lives. I am also associated with CureZone sponsor Utopia Silver
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Roasted Garlic Steak Sandwiches

As new research continues to support the link between non-organic red meat and cancer risk, more people are reducing the amount they eat. The American Institute for Cancer Research recommends consuming no more than 18 ounces of red meat per week. This simple recipe features a modern take on the old favorite steak sandwich. Using lean cuts like London broil can also help reduce your fat intake and help you manage your weight. And adding red onions, spinach and garlic enhances the flavor of the meat in a healthy way.
For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:
Monday, August 27, 2012
Quick Whole-Grain Buttermilk Bread

Jump-start your busy day with this quick and tasty recipe, featuring the added benefit of whole grains. Research shows that a diet rich in whole grains can prevent some types of cancer, including colorectal. Studies also suggest that whole grains may lower the risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease and excess weight. Since whole grains are digested more slowly, the energy they give you lasts all day
For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:
Natural Help for Ovarian Cancer
Natural Help for Ovarian Cancer
by Tony Isaacs
Ovarian cancer is a nonspecific term for a variety of cancers that originate in the ovary. There are about 20 microscopically distinct types. Though difficult to detect in the very early stages, once diagnosed ovarian cancer is often easy to treat in the beginning. The difficulty comes with keeping ovarian cancer vanquished permanently, particularly when opting for mainstream treatment methods.
To read the rest of the article, click Here.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Marinated Veggie Open-Faced Sandwiches

These open-faced summertime sandwiches feature vibrant, nutrient-packed veggies. Along with fiber and essential vitamins and minerals, a diet rich in colorful vegetables provides important cancer-fighting phytochemicals. Serve on toasted whole-grain bread or pita.
For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:
How to minimize exposure to aerial and ground spraying of pesticides
(NaturalNews) Despite serious questions about safety and effectiveness, Dallas and other municipalities around the country are blanketing their cities and their citizens with pesticides. Pets, gardens, lawns, livestock . . . nothing is safe and individual citizens are not able to opt out of the widespread spraying. While those opposed to pesticide contamination can do little to stop it, there are plenty of important measures everyone can do to limit their pesticide exposure.
Seven steps for limiting pesticide exposure
To read the rest of the article, click Here.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Eliminate and avoid mosquitoes naturally without dangerous pesticides and commercial repellents
(NaturalNews) Summertime is prime time for mosquitoes and this year appears to be a banner year for the annoying and potentially dangerous disease-carrying, blood-sucking pests. The good news is that mosquitoes can be eliminated and avoided naturally without resorting to dangerous pesticides.
To read the rest of the article, click Here.
Enjoy the cardiovascular and other health benefits of wholesome nuts
(NaturalNews) Nuts are an excellent source of protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and more and they offer a wide variety of health benefits, particularly for the heart and cardiovascular system. However, many people avoid nuts due to the nuts being potentially fattening. Such concerns could easily be addressed by substituting nuts for another menu item or else cutting down on other menu item portions.
To read the rest of the article, click Here.
Grilled Fruit with Strawberry Dip

Summertime grilling traditionally features hot dogs and hamburgers. This year, surprise your guests with a grilled dessert for a real treat. Grilling fruit is a creative way to prepare a healthful, low-fat and delicious end to any meal. Additionally, fruit is packed with important cancer-fighting compounds. In this recipe, strawberries, peaches, pineapples and papayas form a colorful collage of tropical fruits and are especially tasty when paired with yogurt dip.
For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Greek Turkey Sliders

Summer may be winding down, but don’t pack that grill up just yet. This unique recipe for sliders is full of flavor without being full of fat. Lean ground turkey is a healthier alternative to red meat, but can be drier when cooked. By mixing feta, spinach and an egg white into the patties, the meat stays tender. Adding the Greek marinade also helps them stay moist and reduces the formation of carcinogens associated with grilling and smoke.
For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:
Use these tips to detox after exposure to aerial or ground sprayed pesticides
Use these tips to detox after exposure to aerial or ground sprayed pesticides
(NaturalNews) If you live in an area which is being blanketed with aerial or ground spraying of pesticides for mosquitoes, it is virtually impossible to completely avoid exposure. However, there is plenty you can do to help get the pesticides out of your body and offset their effects.
For the rest of the article:
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Whole Wheat Pasta with Tomatoes and Summer Vegetables

Many of us know we need to eat whole grains, but what makes them so important? Whole grains are especially nutritious because they include all parts of the grain: the bran, endosperm and germ, which contain a variety of beneficial phytochemicals. Tomatoes, green peppers, broccoli and zucchini adorn the whole grain pasta in this dish, while part-skim ricotta cheese adds a nice final touch.
For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:
Monday, August 20, 2012
Millions of children's lives are being doomed by unwarranted, off-label antipsychotic drug prescriptions
(NaturalNews) Our children are being prescribed anti-psychotic drugs at an increasing rate and at ever younger ages. Often the drugs, which are now being prescribed for children as young as under one-year-old, are being prescribed for off-label uses other than what the FDA approved the drugs for.
Perhaps it is not surprising to see parents and doctors alike opt for controlling children's behavior with drugs in a country where "me generation" parents often put their needs and desires first and where we have been conditioned to look for cures in a bottle. However, such choices can have devastating results: children's brains being ruined, their future health damaged, and growing up dependent on anti-psychotic drugs.
To read the rest of the article, click Here.
Hoppin’ John (Spicy Black Eyed Pea Recipe)

This Southern dish dates back to the 19th century and, while it is a great dish to serve any time of the year, it is widely served on New Year’s Day in homes across the country. Featuring black-eyed peas, a type of bean, each serving provides an excellent source of fiber. Foods containing dietary fiber can reduce your chances of developing colorectal cancer.
For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Unraveling the Mysteries of the Cancer Fighting Oleander Plant

by Tony Isaacs
The major active compound in the amazing cancer fighting and immune boosting oleander plant is felt to be the cardiac glycoside oleandrin. However, the opinion among those who have studied oleander is virtually unanimous; it is a synergistic combination of many ingredients which makes oleander as successful as it is.
It has been reported that literally hundreds of different compounds have been identified in the amazing cancer fighting and immune boosting oleander plant. Research has yet to discover exactly which ones work both independently and together for optimum effect, though oleander extract has shown remarkable success against a very broad range of cancers, including lung, liver, leukemia, breast, brain, prostate, stomach, pancreatic and more.
To read the rest of the article, click Here.
Mushrooms that Fight Cancer and Disease and Boost the Immune System
Mushrooms that Fight Cancer and Disease and Boost the Immune System
In the world of natural health, "medicinal" mushrooms are known as some of the most potent immune boosters and disease fighters. Perhaps the most potent of all is the Agaricus Blazei Murrill mushroom, known in it's native Brazil as "The Mushroom of God"; however many others have also proven to be very effective and popular.
Here are some of the very best:
To read the rest of the article, click Here.
from: - a wonderful place to buy apple cider vinegar and books about apple cider vinegar.
Sarah-Kate Lynch of the New Zealand Herald wrote about Dr. Patricia Bragg:
"I've never had a coke, never had a beer or vodka, and these," says American health crusader, Dr. Patricia Bragg, thrusting her fingers towards me, "are virgin nails, all 10 of them. I have never worn nail polish. I don't need a girdle and I don't need a bra."
I've come to visit this eccentric, bright 5-foot nutritionist …. to see what she has to say that has millions of Americans following her advice. She's the author of 22 books, one which promotes three glasses daily of 1 to 2 teaspoons equally of raw, organic apple cider vinegar and raw honey in a glass of distilled water to keep old age at bay. (Over 5 million copies sold.) "I specialize in longevity," she tells me, and practicing what she preaches certainly seems to have worked for her; although it's hard to tell exactly how well because her age is a secret. She demonstrates how limber she is and shows me how she used to dance with Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly and Arthur Murray; all of whom she advised on how to stay healthy and fit. She says that good posture equals instant youthfulness! I realize that no matter what age, this tiny, colorful powerhouse has more energy than 100,000 slobs put together.
I've come to visit this eccentric, bright 5-foot nutritionist …. to see what she has to say that has millions of Americans following her advice. She's the author of 22 books, one which promotes three glasses daily of 1 to 2 teaspoons equally of raw, organic apple cider vinegar and raw honey in a glass of distilled water to keep old age at bay. (Over 5 million copies sold.) "I specialize in longevity," she tells me, and practicing what she preaches certainly seems to have worked for her; although it's hard to tell exactly how well because her age is a secret. She demonstrates how limber she is and shows me how she used to dance with Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly and Arthur Murray; all of whom she advised on how to stay healthy and fit. She says that good posture equals instant youthfulness! I realize that no matter what age, this tiny, colorful powerhouse has more energy than 100,000 slobs put together.
To read the rest of the article, click Here.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Who is Funding the California GMO Labeling Ballot Initiative?
Who is Funding the California GMO Labeling Ballot Initiative?
Though recent polls indicate that the California voters are in favor of requiring the labeling of GMO foods by a 3 to 1 margin, a virtual who's who of mainstream food corporations, GMO companies and chemical companies are pouring millions of dollars into an all-out effort to defeat Proposition 37.
To read the rest of this information, click Here.
Chickpea, Pepper and Pine Nut Salad

When tomatoes, basil and peppers appear in farmers' markets, serve this healthy and easy to make salad for a quick lunch or as a vegetarian entrée at dinner. The nutty chickpeas deliver protein and they are also high in fiber. Foods containing fiber lower the risk for colorectal cancer.
For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Scandal at the FDA: board members with drug maker ties voted to approve drug that's killing women
Scandal at the FDA: board members with drug maker ties voted to approve drug that's killing women
by Tony Isaacs
(The Best Years in Life) An investigation by the Washington Monthly and the British Medical Journal determined that at least four members of an FDA advisory board which voted to approve a drug used in the birth control pills Yaz and Yasmin had either done work for the drugs' manufacturer or received research funds from the manufacturer. Though the four committee members disclosed their ties to the FDA, the FDA decided that the ties did not matter and did not make the disclosures public. Tragically, the drugs the committee endorsed have been killing the women who take them.
The birth control pills Yaz and Yasmin contain a drug called drospirenone, which the FDA advisory committee endorsed last December. According to the Alliance for National Health (ANH), women who take drospirenone are nearly seven times more likely to develop thromboembolism (obstruction of a blood vessel by a blood clot, which can cause deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, stroke, heart attack, and death) than women who do not take any contraceptive pill. Women who take drospirenone have twice the risk of developing thromboembolism than women who take widely prescribed contraceptive pills containing levonorgestrel.
The birth control pills Yaz and Yasmin contain a drug called drospirenone, which the FDA advisory committee endorsed last December. According to the Alliance for National Health (ANH), women who take drospirenone are nearly seven times more likely to develop thromboembolism (obstruction of a blood vessel by a blood clot, which can cause deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, stroke, heart attack, and death) than women who do not take any contraceptive pill. Women who take drospirenone have twice the risk of developing thromboembolism than women who take widely prescribed contraceptive pills containing levonorgestrel.
To read the rest of the article, click Here.
Eggplant, Tomato and Cheese Casserole

This vegetarian entrée has all the robust flavor and texture of traditional lasagna without the fat and calories. Eggplant, a good source of fiber along with some vitamin B6, works like pasta to define the layers. Marinara and spinach add deep color and important nutrients like folate, vitamins A and C and cancer-fighting carotenoids. Adding a meatless meal to your week can help lower your cancer risk too. Research has shown that limiting red meat and eating foods containing fiber can help lower your risk for colorectal cancer.
For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
New UK data finds prescription drugs 62,000 times more likely to kill than supplements
New UK data finds prescription drugs 62,000 times more likely to kill than supplements
Wednesday, August 15, 2012 by: Tony Isaacs
See more articles by this author
Wednesday, August 15, 2012 by: Tony Isaacs
See more articles by this author
(NaturalNews) According to data just released by the UK-based Alliance for Natural Health International (ANH-Intl), pharmaceutical drugs are 62,000 times more likely to kill you than supplements. In fact, the data collected by ANH-Intl demonstrates that food supplements are the safest substances regularly consumed by UK citizens even though they are the target of increasingly restrictive European legislation aimed at 'protecting consumers.'
The newly released data found that pharmaceutical drugs were also 7,750 times more likely to result in death than herbal remedies. Both food supplements and herbal remedies were placed in the 'supersafe' category of individual risk - with a less than one in ten million risk of death.
The rest of the article:
The newly released data found that pharmaceutical drugs were also 7,750 times more likely to result in death than herbal remedies. Both food supplements and herbal remedies were placed in the 'supersafe' category of individual risk - with a less than one in ten million risk of death.
The rest of the article:
Green Bean & Mushroom Casserole

This recipe is a new twist on the traditional favorite which used canned soup and fried onions. Instead, use fresh green beans, onions and mushrooms, have less sodium and fat but keep the taste and home-cooked tradition alive and well. Especially good as a holiday sidedish, this recipe can be enjoyed anytime.
For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Shrimp Fajitas

Light up the grill and get out the greens! This recipe for savory shrimp fajitas is great for outdoor get-togethers or an easy family meal. Shrimp cook quickly, which also reduces the amount of time they are exposed to the smoke and charring that, in animal protein, adds unhealthy substances. For these fajitas, a little lime juice, garlic, oil and a shot of hot pepper flakes are the perfect marinade. Marinating helps prevent foods from drying out and adds flavor. But most importantly, marinades can help reduce the formation of carcinogens.
NOTE: There are lots of concerns over the safety of eating shrimp these days, especially shrimp which originate in the oil spill-tainted Gulf of Mexico, shrimp which might be contaminated from the Fukushima radiation and much of the farmed shrimp. Two of the safest shrimp are considered to be pink shrimp from Oregon and spot prawns from Canada.
NOTE: There are lots of concerns over the safety of eating shrimp these days, especially shrimp which originate in the oil spill-tainted Gulf of Mexico, shrimp which might be contaminated from the Fukushima radiation and much of the farmed shrimp. Two of the safest shrimp are considered to be pink shrimp from Oregon and spot prawns from Canada.
For more delicious and healthy recipes, go to:
Monday, August 13, 2012
Hospitals and commonly prescribed drugs are killing and harming the elderly
Hospitals and commonly prescribed drugs are killing and harming the elderly
by Tony Isaacs
A study published last November in the New England Journal of Medicine found that blood thinners and diabetes drugs caused most of the emergency hospital visits for drug reactions among people over 65 years of age in the United States. According to the study, just four medications - used alone or in combination - were responsible for two-thirds of the emergency hospitalizations among older adults.
To read the rest of the article, click Here.
Black Bean Croquettes with Salsa

Staples like canned black beans and frozen corn transform into spicy croquettes in mere minutes. Serve with warm corn tortillas, coleslaw and lime wedges
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Friday, August 10, 2012
Best Ever All Vegan "Ice Cream"

Who says you have to use dairy products or eggs to make a delicious "ice cream"? This completely vegan recipe is super easy, healthy and oh so yummy. If you thin this down, it makes a nice shake also. The ice-cream recipe doesn't call for much of the milks. Play with it, you'll know how much you will need as you learn to make it. The bananas add both creaminess and natural sweetness. Enjoy!
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