(The Best Years in Life) Don't go grabbing Mars bars or Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and stuffing yourself like you did during childhood Halloween tours. That's not the stuff of superfoods. I'm talking dark bitter-sweet and even bitter, pure chocolate.
It's best to sellect chocolates labeled Fair Trade and organic with at least 70% cacao or cocoa (both words indicate the same bean) and no sweeter than bitter-sweet. The more bitter the better.
Anything less is too watered down with milk and saturated with addictive and unhealthy refined sugar or worse, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).
Actually, the healthiest form of cacao is cacao nibs, small bitter pieces of cacao that you can nibble on or put into coffee or top off a bowl of plain whole milk organic yogurt with raw honey or throw them into a smoothie. Read More.
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