Friday, March 20, 2015

DMSO and the ‘miracle healing’ controversy

DMSO and the ‘miracle healing’ controversy

By Sarka-Jonae Miller

(Health Secrets) DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) is a natural product from trees that relieves muscle and joint pain, treats bladder inflammation and protects healthy cells from cancer and chemotherapy drugs. DMSO was on track to becoming a major cancer treatment and promising remedy for other ailments until it was shut down in 1960s due to ridiculous “safety” concerns that may not have even related to DMSO usage. This inexpensive, natural substance was merely another victim of the drug company greed that discredits any readily available, cheap and effective natural medicine. However it did not disappear and is available in liquid, gel or roll-on form at feed stores, because it is approved as an anti-inflammatory treatment for horses. Read More.

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