by Luella May
(The Best Years in Life) Tumors have the capability to re-seed themselves say researchers. This may be one explanation as to why a tumor reappears after being removed. Circulating cancer cells can go back to their place of origin and recolonize in the original tumor site, in a process known as self-seeding. The repopulation of the tumor site with these more aggressive cancer cells enables the new tumor to grow at a more rapid rate.
For their study reported in the December 24, 2009 issue of the journal Cell, the research team focused on the immune system, since a failed immune system plays a critical part in the re-seeding process. Concentrating on the immune system is an integral part of preventing not only metastasis, but also future recolonization of the primary tumor site. Read More.
For their study reported in the December 24, 2009 issue of the journal Cell, the research team focused on the immune system, since a failed immune system plays a critical part in the re-seeding process. Concentrating on the immune system is an integral part of preventing not only metastasis, but also future recolonization of the primary tumor site. Read More.
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