Written and compiled by Tony Isaacs
(The Best Years in Life) Over two million people in America have epilepsy or one kind or another - a disorder characterized by recurring seizures. While most of those who suffer from epilepsy use various medications to attempt to control their seizures, many have found relief in natural diet and other natural treatments.
First of all, let me say that I am NOT a fan of the ketogenic diet approach to epilepsy, such as an Atkins diet or modified diet, except as a last resort. Despite reports of success and a long history of use, there are also reports of problems and several of it's features run counter to what others recommend for a diet that helps with epilepsy - most important of which is the avoidance of animal protein. Beyond that, it is my opinion (shared by a great many others) that Atkins was a true pioneer who got a great deal right but his diet was ultimately fatally flawed when the marketing became centered around the simple and unhealthy formula of basically eliminating carbs and eating just about anything else you wanted including junk food and excessive unhealthy fats. Some carbohydrates are essential for good health and strict adherence to the Atkins diet will indeed result in weight loss, but if used for any great length of time it may come with the cost of developing chronic problems that can eventually be life shortening if not life threatening. Read More.
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