by JB BardotSee all TBYIL articles by JB Bardot
(The Best Years in Life) Are you frustrated about not having the world you want, and not knowing what to do to make it change? You're not alone. In 1976 Peter Finch played the lead in the movie Network, rousing people to stand up and proclaim they were mad as hell and wouldn't take it any more --the tyranny, oppression, and humiliation enforced by the powers-that-be. Thirty seven years later, people are still madder than hell, and most still feel unheard and belittled by the Machine.
Ghandi is purported to have said Be the change you want to see in the world. If you're tired of fighting the system and afraid of what the system will do next, take a stand to commit small steps each day to help yourself evolve into The Change you dream about.
Most people think they have to do something monumental to make a difference -- lead a country, start a movement, write the Great American Novel. Not true! Most people can live their dreams by taking small, less intimidating actions -- regularly. As water dripping repeatedly erodes a boulder, the continual repetition of right action undermines intimidation and builds a foundation for change. Read More.
Ghandi is purported to have said Be the change you want to see in the world. If you're tired of fighting the system and afraid of what the system will do next, take a stand to commit small steps each day to help yourself evolve into The Change you dream about.
Most people think they have to do something monumental to make a difference -- lead a country, start a movement, write the Great American Novel. Not true! Most people can live their dreams by taking small, less intimidating actions -- regularly. As water dripping repeatedly erodes a boulder, the continual repetition of right action undermines intimidation and builds a foundation for change. Read More.
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