Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Now Tampons Are Even More Toxic

Now Tampons Are Even More Toxic

(The Best Years in LifeThe WHO (World Health Organization) has declared glyphosate a “probable carcinogenic”, which ranks higher than “possible carcinogenic” and is the last ranking before carcinogenic. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup, the most widely used herbicide in the world. Roundup was designed to be used for GMO cotton farming, which has become more the norm than the exception.

The GMO cotton seeds were genetically engineered to withstand the weed killing Roundup while other plants and weeds wither away before they can interfere with the cotton crop. Unlike other agrochemicals, there is no way to externally remove any toxic residue.
The plants uptake the week killer's glyphosate and remains within the crop's featured components. There are two types of tampon materials, synthetic fibers, such as rayon and others, and all cotton.

Many even knowledgeable women aren't aware of cancer dangers from tampons using GMO cotton that has become ubiquitous with cotton farming. Read More.

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