Eliminate Chronic Bladder Infections with Colloidal Silver

Long Recurrent Bladder Infections
Let me just start by saying I am a true non-believer in everything- I do not believe in holistic, natural, or any other non-standard medicines- I don’t even believe in vitamins! With that said, here is my story- I have suffered with bladder infections (uti’s) for all of my life. I get three to four a year. My doctor had me scheduled to see a specialist. Needless to say I had become immune to all of the antibiotics. I was searching the net looking for the preventive medicine clinic trials that I had heard about when I found this silver site. I mentioned it laughingly to my husband- he said for $20.00 you ought to order some just for the heck of it. On a whim I did. The box came and I didn’t even open it, I put it on a shelf. About a month later I got an infection (I have home lab tests that confirmed, twice, – the real lab tests not the cheap ones). My car had, of course, broken down two days before and my husband could not get home early enough to get me to the doctor. The doctor said she could not prescribe without their labs because I was immune to everything. I was not up for a five hour wait SITTING in the ER. My husband reminded me of the silver. I took it just to prove to him it wouldn’t work. I took 2 tablespoons every 3 hours (yes, this is a lot, but as I said I get them BAD). I was feeling better by the next day but I was sure it was from the phenyl zopridine that I had on hand (this only lessens the symptoms of a uti- basically it numbs you so you can leave the bathroom for more than 5 minutes.) it does nothing to cure the infection. I drank no water or cranberry juice- the flushing trick doesn’t work on me. By the end of the next day my husband got off early enough to take me to the doctor where they ran the usual labs. My labs came back negative. I was shocked to say the least. I haven’t had one in 6 months- and this is summer in CA. I take the silver about every other day (2 tbsp). As I said, I am not a believer type person- but lab tests were all the proof I needed. I am actually planning a vacation with my family- before silver, this would have been a nightmare- traveling always induced an infection . As a cure all- I don’t know, but if only for my uti’s, it has changed my life. Read More.
The Best Colloidal Silver on the Planet
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