Common Sense Use of Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is probably mankind’s oldest natural anti-biotic and anti-viral. As its use has increased in popularity in recent years with each new scare of a plague or pandemic, so has the controversy about its effectiveness, how to use it and how much to use. For those of you who are looking for an article packed with scientific jargon and molecular theory, “this won’t be it.” This article is intended to be nothing more or less than my own experience from many years of using and producing colloidal silver. It also includes my personal observations and my knowledge of the experience of others in the effective and common sense use of colloidal silver. Most colloidal silver producers claim their products are “silver bullets” in the fight against everything from common cold germs to the Ebola virus. Opposing views claim that it is nothing but junk science quackery and often little more than “silver tongued” misinformation. But the truly misinformed are the often well-educated mainstream thinking individuals who narrow-mindedly dismiss, not only the long historical use, but the hard science behind colloidal silver in the fight against pathogens. Read More.
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