Friday, March 30, 2018

Savory Cheddar Muffins with Basil and Scallions

Savory Cheddar Muffins with Basil and Scallions

(The Best Years in Life) Have you jumped on the savory muffin bandwagon yet? These bad boys are where it’s AT! Perfect served alongside a big holiday meal or for brunching it up with family and friends., they have this wonderful flavor explosion going on for them thanks to the combination of sharp cheddar, garlic, green onion, and basil, making them pretty darn addictive! If you aren't careful, you could eate your weight of these delights. Without doubt, you will have family members and guests coming back for seconds - and you best keep an eye out because they may very well sneak back for thirds and fourths!on your muffins. They’re best when served hot and fresh from the oven and also taste amazing warmed up with a bowl of piping hot tomato soup.

Ready to meet your new addiction? Here goes!

To see the complete recipe, click HERE

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Thursday, March 29, 2018

Natural Ways to Shrink and Eliminate Fibroid Tumors

Natural Ways to Shrink and Eliminate Fibroid Tumors

by Luella May

(The Best Years in Life) Conventional medicine’s answer to fibroid tumors is very often a hysterectomy or other type of surgery and medications – none of which guarantees that fibroids will not return. Nature, on the other hand, can shrink or eliminate fibroid tumors by addressing their source cause and utilizing remedies which create an environment in which fibroids are no longer welcome. Read More.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Supplement Spotlight: The Dirt

Supplement Spotlight:

Did you know that our teeth were designed to re-mineralize and repair small cracks, soft spots and cavities> It's true - but the glycerin content in virtually all commercial and most natural tooth pastes and cleansers prevents natural re-mineralization and repair. In fact, it takes dozens of brushings without glycerin to remove all of it. The Dirt is the original and best spiced trace mineral tooth brushing powder and it allows your natural re-mineralization process to do it's thang and get your teeth back to their strong, sparkly selves. It has a sweet spiced orange flavor that will leave your mouth feeling clean and spicy! Buy toothpowder today, thank yourself tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The Health Benefits and Potential Dangers of Vegetarianism – Part 1

The Health Benefits and Potential Dangers of Vegetarianism – Part 1

by Tony Isaacs
author of 
Cancer's Natural Enemy

Author’s note: In this opening installment of a four-part series on the benefits and potential dangers of vegetarianism, we will examine “An Introduction to Vegetarianism” and “The Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet”. Subsequent installments will cover “Potential Dangers of Vegetarian Diets”, “The Role of Meat in the Early Development of Humans”, “The Benefits of Consuming Meat and Dairy Products”, “The Wishful Science and Myths about Vegetarianism/Veganism”, and “Common Traits of the World's Longest-Lived and Healthiest Peoples”

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Monday, March 26, 2018

Common Sense Use of Colloidal Silver

Common Sense Use of Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is probably mankind’s oldest natural anti-biotic and anti-viral. As its use has increased in popularity in recent years with each new scare of a plague or pandemic, so has the controversy about its effectiveness, how to use it and how much to use. For those of you who are looking for an article packed with scientific jargon and molecular theory, “this won’t be it.” This article is intended to be nothing more or less than my own experience from many years of using and producing colloidal silver. It also includes my personal observations and my knowledge of the experience of others in the effective and common sense use of colloidal silver. Most colloidal silver producers claim their products are “silver bullets” in the fight against everything from common cold germs to the Ebola virus. Opposing views claim that it is nothing but junk science quackery and often little more than “silver tongued” misinformation. But the truly misinformed are the often well-educated mainstream thinking individuals who narrow-mindedly dismiss, not only the long historical use, but the hard science behind colloidal silver in the fight against pathogens. Read More.

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Friday, March 23, 2018

Grilled Salmon with Strawberry Avocado Salsa

Grilled Salmon with Strawberry Avocado Salsa

(The Best Years in Life) What a healthy and tasty trio: salmon, strawberries, and avocados!. You would be hard pressed to think of a healthier combination and you will be amazed at the delicious and refreshing taste you will experience when you bring them togegether in this recipe featured at Taste for Life and Mother Earth Living. Also includes healthy and tasty fresh limes, red onion, chopped fresh cilantro, extra virgin olive oil and more.
To see the complete recipe, click HERE

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Thursday, March 22, 2018

Control Spring and Fall Allergies With Natural Remedies

Control Spring and Fall Allergies With Natural Remedies

by Luella Isaacs

(The Best Years in Life) Although many people associate allergy season with the onset of spring, fall can also wreak havoc with allergy sufferers. This year, instead of suffering under mounds of tissues or resorting to over-the-counter or even worse yet, prescribed medications or allergy shots, discover the relief that natural remedies can bring. Read More.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Holistic Therapies for Strep Throat

Holistic Therapies for Strep Throat

I recently recovered from a bout of Strep throat and I can honestly say that was one of the most intense pain I’ve experienced in a long time. There were many different things I did to alleviate the pain and discomfort and try to heal as quickly as possible, here I will share my holistic therapies for strep throat that worked for me and may hopefully help you or a loved on as well.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Everyday Uses For Colloidal Silver

Everyday Uses For Colloidal Silver

If you’ve ever watched “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” you’ll probably remember the hilarious Greek father of the main character who used Windex to treat every known ailment. In our household, Colloidal Silver is our “Windex” fix-all treatment. If the husband gets a cut or a burn at work–Colloidal Silver. If the kids have a runny nose or low grade fever–Colloidal Silver. If grandma has pink eye (which was recent)–Colloidal Silver. Bottom line, if you come to my house with any complaints from a cough to arthritis pain I’m probably going to send you home with a bottle of Colloidal Silver. Henceforth the reason I decided to put together this article for everyday uses for colloidal silver so that you can see how you really can use it for just about anything and I’ll explain why.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Rosemary Garlic Flatbread

Rosemary Garlic Flatbread

(The Best Years in Life) This roasted garlic and rosemary flatbread is savory, fluffy, and nutritious – and naturally gluten-free, with only a few ingredients. The recipe uses a couple of less common types of flour – including sorghum and chickpea, which boost the health-benefits and flavor of the dish. It’s also made almost entirely of cancer-protective foods: legumes (chickpea flour), whole grains (sorghum flour), flaxseed, and garlic.

To see the complete recipe, click HERE

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Friday, March 16, 2018

My Advice for Beating Glioblastoma Naturally

My Advice for Beating Glioblastoma Naturally

by Tony Isaacs
author of 
Cancer's Natural Enemy

(The Best Years in LifeRecently, my cousin Les told me that a very good friend of his whom I had met several times had been diagnosed with glioblastoma, an aggressive and difficult brain cancer, and had been told that even with the recommended chemo and radiation he would nave only perhaps eighteen months to live. Since I know that eighteen months is more than plenty of time to beat virtually any cancer, I felt compelled to send the following message to him. Read More.

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Thursday, March 15, 2018

How to Get Rid of Fatty Liver Disease

How to Get Rid of Fatty Liver Disease

by Loretta Lanphier, NP, CN, HHP, CH

(The Best Years in Life) Keeping your liver healthy and strong is one of the most important steps you can take to maintain overall wellness. This critically hard-working organ, which is located in the right abdominal area, has been called the “laboratory of the body,” and for many good reasons. Researchers estimate that the liver performs over 500 functions in the body. Some of these include: Read More.

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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Teaching Children Gardening Boosts Their Development and Health

Include Children In Your Gardening This Year to Boost Their Development and Health

by Tony Isaacs
author of 
Cancer's Natural Enemy

(The Best Years in Life) It's getting close to gardening time again. This year, include your children and/or grandchildren in your gardening plans to give them a boost in their health and development. A study conducted for Britain's Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) found that encouraging children to learn gardening boosts their development by helping them become happier, more confident, and more resilient. In addition, gardening also helps teach children patience and the benefits of a healthy diet and lifestyle And that is only a partial list of the benefits! Read More.

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Friday, March 2, 2018

"The Beauty Mineral" Silica is Vital for Good Health as Well as Good Looks

"The Beauty Mineral" Silica is Vital for Good Health as Well as Good Looks

by Luella May and Tony Isaacs

(The Best Years in LifeSilica is a mineral that is known as "the beauty mineral" because it helps the body create connective tissues which are essential for healthy skin elasticity and the healthy growth of hair and fingernails. However, silica does much, much more than just help us look good. Silica improves the structure of all the connective tissues in the body and it is vital for maintaining a healthy bone structure and a strong cardiovascular system. Read More.

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Thursday, March 1, 2018

Is Garlic Safe for Dogs?

Is Garlic Safe for Dogs?

by Tony Isaacs and Luella May

(The Best Years in LifeThere is a lot of controversy and misinformation about the safety of garlic and dogs. Although some contend that garlic is toxic for dogs and should never be given to them, the truth is quite different. While garlic is indeed toxic to cats, when given in proper amounts it can be quite beneficial for our furry canine friends in a number of ways. Read More.

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