Friday, January 12, 2018

Use Nature Instead of Drugs to Treat and Relieve Asthma

Use Nature Instead of Drugs to Treat and Relieve Asthma

by Tony Isaacs
author of 
Cancer's Natural Enemy

(The Best Years in Life) More than 22 million Americans suffer from the chronic inflammatory disease asthma and the number is steadily growing, especially among children. Asthma symptoms include airflow obstruction, chest tightness and shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing. Severe asthma attacks can be fatal. Mainstream medicine treats asthma symptoms with drugs and medical inhalers, some of which have side effects so dangerous that class actions suits have been filed against the makers. Nature offers a number of safer options for relieving and preventing asthma as well as healing and supporting the lungs. Read More.

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