Thursday, March 26, 2015

Proven benefit of multivitamins in reducing cancer risk

Proven benefit of multivitamins in reducing cancer risk

By Caroline Petvin

This study conducted by Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Public Health, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital documents the benefit of multivitamins. Read More.

1 comment:

  1. In my opinion this study speaks to the incredible LACK of nutrients among our population. I believe the multi-vitamin in question was Centrum Silver, produced by a Pharmaceutical company and heavily promoted to doctors. Doctors know very little about vitamins and often suffer from what I (a patient Advocate) have called 'fear of vitamins'.

    The content of a single tablet or capsule could never be enough to promote true health. Any study of better nutrition could bring the same results. The National Cancer Institute has long suggested a MINIMUM of 5 -9 fruits/vegetables per day - (5 A Day). A majority of Americans come nowhere near this. The #1 vegetable is french fries - containing almost no nutrients. Sadly #2 is ketchup (contains sugar and genetically-modified ingredients UNLESS labeled organic or non-gmo (commercial brands are trouble). With #3 as iceberg lettuce, long known to contain few nutrients, you can see that any additional amount of nutrients - in this case from a minimally-effective multivitamin - would yield measureable results.
