Thursday, May 26, 2016

Spring Pasta Salad - A Great Healthy BBQ Side Dish

Spring Pasta Salad - A Great Healthy BBQ Side Dish

Just because a barbecue is all about the grill, doesn’t mean the sides can’t shine. This pasta salad makeover combines traditional elements like whole-wheat shells and adds fresh, spring staples like asparagus, fava beans and fragrant dill. The lemon and oil-based dressing keeps it light and ensures it can stand up to the outdoors longer than its mayonnaise-based counterparts. Plus, you can make this a gluten-free recipe if you opt for gluten-free pasta shells

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit

Cocoa Butter Isn’t Just for Chocolate Lovers Anymore

Cocoa Butter Isn’t Just for Chocolate Lovers Anymore

(The Best Years in Life) Would you like to have a substance that boosts heart health, pumps up immunity, reduces inflammation, slows aging, and tastes great? If so, it may be time for real cocoa butter, the substance that makes chocolate melt in your mouth. Like the entire cocoa bean, cocoa butter is quite high in antioxidant polyphenols and flavonoids, and its fatty acid profile can’t be beat. Read More.

Last Night's Podcast - Crystal Bed Practitioner Beckie Forsyth

Last Night's Podcast - Crystal Bed Practitioner Beckie Forsyth

Magnificent show last night with Crystal Bed Practitioner Beckie Forsyth. We talked about energy healing, how she uses alchemy singing bowls, and the healing energy of crystal beds. Beckie is an amazing multi-faceted person. Tune in to learn about these amazing energy healing techniques.
During the first half hour, Tony went over additions to our website and talked about the reasons that mainstream cancer research ignores the true cause of cancer.
During the second half hour, Luella talked about Alchemy and Healing.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Veggies Extraordinaire

Veggies Extraordinaire

This quick stir-fry will make you see your vegetables in a whole new light. A light juice-based sauce tops five healthy vegetables, plum tomatoes and cremini mushrooms to make a dish that's as beneficial as it is flavorful. Eggplant is low in calories and high in dietary fiber. Broccoli is a nutritional powerhouse, providing vitamin C, folate, beta-carotene and lutein (a compound being studied for its role in eye health). In addition, it is rich in isothiocyanates, phytochemicals that may play a role in fighting cancer.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit:

How Many CDC and WHO Sponsored Epidemic Hoaxes Will There Be Before We Wake Up

How Many CDC and WHO Sponsored Epidemic Hoaxes Will There Be Before We Wake Up

(The Best Years in LifeYou'll see it pop up on the news often enough and maybe wonder a bit. Others around you may express serious concerns. “Will they come up with a vaccine soon enough for the Zika virus? I'll be first in line to get one.” Brazil, where it all started from, is threatened with losing the Olympic Games of 2016 in Rio de Janeiro if there's a Zika Virus threat, real or imagined.

Now the World Health Organization (WHO) is calling it an international health emergency, which some media types loosely interpret as a worldwide pandemic. Read More.

Former FDA Chief Accused of Suppressing Information About Deadly Drug

Former FDA Chief Accused of Suppressing Information About Deadly Drug

(The Best Years in Life) Is there anyone still harboring the belief that the FDA has their back? If so, the latest scandal from that rogue government agency may finally tip the scales. Margaret Hamburg, who left her post as FDA Commissioner last spring, is now accused of criminal conspiracy, racketeering and fraud while in office, to the tune of millions for the purpose of keeping her husband’s hedge fund afloat. Read More.

Wednesday's Podcast - Holistic Practitioner Michelle Miller

Wednesday's Podcast - Holistic Practitioner Michelle Miller

Outstanding interview this past Wednesday with Holistic Practitioner Michelle Miller. We talked about the importance of a healthy spleen and the skin route to detoxing. You never hear about the spleen but it is a very important organ. This interview is for everybody.
During the first half hour, Tony went over additions to our website and talked about how to use our site to get information on how to live healthier and happier lives.
During the second half hour, Luella talked about how Chinese Medicine views the spleen.

Dietary Causes and Cures for Chronic Inflammation

Dietary Causes and Cures for Chronic Inflammation

(The Best Years in LifeDo you live with chronic inflammation and pain? It may surprise you to learn that there is a very strong connection between diet and inflammation. No matter what type of illness you live with, you can lessen or even stop your pain just by changing your diet. Read More.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Having a Ball with a Bosu Series – Back Workout

Having a Ball with a Bosu Series – Back Workout

(The Best Years in LifeAlthough often labeled as one area in workouts, the back has several major muscle groups. The lats, or latissimus dorsi, compromise the largest back muscles, but there are also the rhomboids in the upper back and the muscles of the lower back and spine. A Bosu ball offers a few exercise choices for targeting the back muscles while also improving balance and core strength. Read More.

Easy Creamy Cucumber Fennel Salad

Easy Creamy Cucumber Fennel Salad

This super simple salad features cool English cucumbers, fresh fennel and tangy Greek yogurt. Both cucumbers and fennel contain fiber and water which, by making you feel fuller faster, can help you get to and keep a healthy weight. Greek-style yogurt with a splash of apple cider vinegar makes a light creamy dressing with the perfect tinge of tartness.

For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit

Thursday, May 12, 2016

GMO Fake Science Rules and Suppresses Real Science

GMO Fake Science Rules and Suppresses Real Science

(The Best Years in LifeAttorney Steven Druker's book Altered Genes; Twisted Truth exposes how the biotech industry managed to bulldoze it's way into prominence with the usual methods, lying, cheating, and bribing, indirectly of course. Their ability to corrupt and infiltrate agricultural and environmental agencies is made easy by the “revolving door system” between corporations and government agencies. Read More

Last Night's Podcast - Angel Therapist Russell Forsyth

Last Night's Podcast - Angel Therapist Russell Forsyth

Outstanding and enlightening interview last night with Angel TherapistRussell Forsyth. We talked about his upcoming training program for intuitive readers, energy practitioners, medical intuitives, modern shamans, and those seeking spiritual advancement, together with how to look at everything in a spiritual light. Are you going through difficult times? This interview is for you.
During the first half hour, Tony went over additions to our website and continued his talk on working with supplements instead of using them as excuses to continue bad dietary and other habits.
During the second half hour, Luella's topic was: You can heal emotional wounds with spirituality.
If you missed the show, the podcast is below:

Friday, May 6, 2016

Are You Still Eating These Energy-Draining Foods?

Are You Still Eating These Energy-Draining Foods?

(The Best Years in LifeFood is meant to fuel your body and help you power through even your most hectic days. If you've been feeling sluggish, drained, achy, and irritable lately, it could be because you're eating one or more of these energy-zapping foods. Read More.

Boost Your Energy Levels With These Life-Sustaining Foods

Boost Your Energy Levels With These Life-Sustaining Foods

(The Best Years in LifeIf you're often tired and sluggish, and you don't know why, it could be your diet. In my last article, I talked about the importance of avoiding energy-draining foods. In this one, I'll give you a list of foods that will not only boost your energy, but fuel your body with the nutrients it needs to stay healthy, vibrant, and filled with life. Read More.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Last Night's Podcast - Spiritual Guide Joan Therese

Last Night's Podcast - Spiritual Guide Joan Therese

Outstanding interview last night with Spiritual Guide Joan Therese. We talked about her new book, Wisdom from the Afterlife: Channeled Messages from Spirit and also talked about walk-thrus that she has done in old abandoned buildings.
During the first half hour, Tony went over additions to our website and talked about the fallacy of depending on supplements to offset bad choices in diet and lifestyle.
During the second half hour, Luella talked about wisdom. Her subject was: What IS Wisdom?