Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Can You Lose Weight With Green Tea?

Can You Lose Weight With Green Tea?

A TBYIL Exclusive Guest Article by Matthew Denos, PhD

(The Best Years in LifeGreen tea, one of the most popular beverages in Asian countries, has been regarded as a medicine and healthful beverage since ancient times. It was around 2700 BC when the legendary Chinese emperor, Shen Nung, discovered the detoxifying and health-maintaining effects of green tea. Since then it has been traditionally used for the prevention and treatment of a broad range of illnesses.

The earliest report that green tea has a weight loss promoting effect comes from the Chinese pharmacist Wang Ang (1615-1695) who observed that drinking tea for a long period of time can eliminate fat. Yet, it was not until 1995 when the systematic medical evaluation of green tea as anti-obesogenic agent began.

In the last 15 years, the health-promoting effects of green tea have been extensively investigated. Evidence from epidemiological and laboratory studies confirms traditional observations and suggests that green tea can protect against heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. Read More.

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